好东西 厉害了!
IRISMAN: Optional. Use for dump ISO, download covers, advanced file management Artemis: Optional. Use for select cheats for the built-in Artemis patch engine. webPAD :http://pad.aldostools.org- Online virtual game pad How to build Requirements for Windows: ...
PS2,Wii,360,模拟器游戏、主题、电子书、自制软件、固件更新包相关交流下载区。子版块:<a href="http://bbs.3dmgame.com/showforum-238.html" target="_blank">&am
1.模拟器cpu设置ppu编译模式为直译,如图 2.ce调试器设置为VEH如图 3.ce搜索内存地址范围设置为如图 4.运行游戏,以无双大蛇2U为例开始制作一个修改类patch 5.ce搜索贵石变化得到一个准确有效内存地址如图 6.在地址下一个写入断点(右键选择F6) 7.游戏里花钱得到一条汇编代码点击详细信息如图 8.打开模拟器debug模...
如题,最近我的手柄也出现连不上RPCS3模拟器的问题了,奇怪的是其他程序或者模拟器都正常识别和操作(比如PPSSPP)。搜了一下整个贴吧没几个解决的帖子(好多都是询问无果的),干脆自己动手。用了好几天不断摸索和排查原因,中途差点放弃,不过最后还是解决了,我分享一下我的方法(总共四步)。 暗中丢雷 2-24 0 ...
rpcs3模拟器是目前市面上最好并且可下载的ps3模拟器,今年更新强势更新,你可以下载模拟器,并且通过安装ps3 pkg游戏的方式来完美运行ps3游戏,并且对于一些动作游戏、音乐游戏等对模拟器兼容性和速度要求较高游戏同样支持良好。目前rpcs3模拟器正在一步步完善中,相信距离完美ps3模拟器已经不远了!
To apply these patches, launch RPCS3, and open the patch management window fromManage -> Game Patches. Finding patches available for your games is detailed on theRPCS3 Wiki. RPCS3 has passed the phase of trying to emulate most of the actual hardware, and now its team is squashing bugs,...
Today the PSP got an update in the form of firmware 3.72 which, at first glance, appeared insignificant with nothing more than further support for PlaStation Network titles. The EU PlayStation website, however, notes an interesting addition to the patch list. Namely, the inclusion of "Remote...
{ hddFreeSizeKB, sizeKB, sysSizeKB } - GameDataCheck 72: BootCheck, 5 Parameter: int * Type, int * Attribute, MemoryContainer cid (-1), int * SizeInfo[3] { hddFreeSizeKB, sizeKB, sysSizeKB}, char * DirName - GameBootCheck 73: PatchCheck, 2 Parameter: int (-1), int * ...
Used by: HDD Game, Minis Game, PSP Remasters Game, Game Data Application version (or patch version). Not used in old games. The format is XX.YY where "XX" and "YY" are numbers, and the point "." is included in the string, e.g: 01.00 for the first stable version released. ...