An error occured during the start operation; Ps1 game swapped using the eject function and then play pressed quickly,ps1 game inserted again 启动操作错误-把PS1游戏重新入盘80029023 Exchanging Key Information exchange has timed out 关键讯息交流超时80029024 "Cannot Obtain an IP address"无法获取IP地址...
关闭PS3总电源。 80029024 -"Cannot Obtain an IP address". 搜索不到IP地址。 80028EA5 - User cannot connect to PS3 network. Sony told the user to send the machine in. PS3用户不能联接到网络,硬件故障,请联系客服。 8002F997 - Trying to Update the Firmware, copying to a file and installing...
80029024-"CannotObtainanIPaddress". 无法获取IP地址 80029564-DownloadedGamewillnotinstall-Causeunknown 已下载游戏檔不能安装 80030920-Anerroroccurredduringthecopyoperation.Thefilemaybecorruptorthereisntenoughmemory.Trycopyingdatafromoriginalsource. 复制原文件以及存取其数据时的操作发生错误,该文件已损坏或是储存空间...
out关键讯息交流超时80029024"CannotObtainanIPaddress"无法获取IP地址80029564 DownloadedGamewillnotinstall-Causeunknown已下载游戏檔不能安装80030920An erroroccurredduringthecopyoperation.Thefilemaybecorruptorthereisntenoughmemory. Trycopyingdatafromoriginalsource复制原文件以及存取其数据时的操作发生错误,该文件 ...
80029024 -"Cannot Obtain an IP address".搜索不到IP地址。80028EA5 - User cannot connect to PS3 network. Sony told the user to send the machine in.PS3用户不能联接到网络,硬件故障,请联系客服。8002F997 - Trying to Update the Firmware, copying to a file and installing from a USB drive ...
PS3从开始发售一直到今天(2006年11月---2008年10月),一共发售了以下几种版本: 首发的20G和60G: 其中20G为阉割版本,相比60G,它的主要简化掉的部分就是读卡器接口和无线WIFI。 60G呢,是目前所有PS3中,硬件配备最齐全的一款(4个USB,读卡器接口,PS2游戏支持)。 然后的老版80G: 这个...
CE-33984-7 Connection test timed out while trying to obtain IP address. WC-40372-6 The voucher does not meet the conditions of use. WS-37432-9 PlayStation™Network might be undergoing maintenance or is temporarily busy. CE-30905-7 Your Bluetooth device could not be connected. NP-31731-5...
This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for PlayStation 3. If you've