Also ranks #2onThe Best DLC Packs Also ranks #3onFrom Vice City to San Andreas: The Best Grand Theft Auto Games Purchase 7 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 2008 91 votes Developer:Kojima Productions Purchase 8 Call of Duty: Black Ops ...
−0%|Call of Duty®: Black Ops First Strike| £11.55| £7.99| PS3|[GO ⇒]( −0%|Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit Armed and Dangerous Pack| £5.79| £1.69| PS3|[GO ⇒](https://psprice...
Set in a zombie-infested city plunged into chaos, Dying Light offers a unique blend of first-person shooter, survival horror, and parkour elements. As undercover operative Kyle Crane, players must navigate the treacherous urban environment by day, scavenging for supplies and completing miss...
Black Screen, don't start. This game has PS3 version. Lego Harry Potter: Years 1–4 ULUS10500 Playable Resigned EBOOT. This game has PS3 version. Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 ULES01558 Unplayable Black screen after minis logo. This game has PS3 version. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean ...
How to Survive (How to Survive: Zombie Island) ? PlayStation Now Hunted: The Demon's Forge ? PlayStation Now Hunter's Trophy 2 - America ? PlayStation Now Hunter's Trophy 2 - Australia ? PlayStation Now Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory (Ultra Dimension Neptune V) ? PlayStation Now ...
Stubbs The Zombie v1.2 [trainer +4]SubSpace The Captains Chair [trainer]Super Motherload [PS4]Super Smash Brothers [N64]Super Smash Brothers: Melee [GC]Superman Returns: The Videogame [PSX]Superman Returns: The Videogame [Xbox 360]Superman Returns: The Videogame [Xbox]...
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{Yes2}} pattern in 1.80-{{latestPS3}} / file not in 1.00-1.70 |- |}'''Note:''' green cell colour means present in {{latestPS3}} === Interesting URL handling in SELF's/SPRX's === {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! URL !! SELF/SPRX !! Remarks |- | |...
Today, Sony Computer Entertainment released the following statement: Notice: Unauthorized circumvention devices for the PlayStation 3 system have been recently released by hackers. These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software. Use of such devices or software violate...
scattered through key locations in the game. However, the supply of ink ribbons the player can acquire is also limited much like the player's ammo and healing supplies. The various enemies the player encounters include infected creatures like flesh-eating zombies, zombie dogs, giant spiders, ...