Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why do I need a mod chip to play imports and backups? A: The Sony PlayStation checks the country code on the PS2 CD Roms / DVDs before it allows the game to start. If the country code on the disc does not match that of your PlayStation, it will not...
Download NDS ROMs Sony PS2 PlayStation 2 was amajor breakthruin consoles with graphics levels unseen before. Download PS2 ISOs Sony PSX PlayStation 1 is one Sony's first step into console gaming and a true masterpiece at it's time!
4. Go back to the main folder and open the PCSX2 application to play PS2 games. How do I get games for the emulator? You can use PS2 ROMs in ISO formats to play games on the PCSX2 emulator. If you own a physical copy of the game, you can make a PS2 ROM by dumping the game ...