Once the game is loaded, search the CRC code in the PCSX2 log tab and copy it. Once done, close PCSX2 and create a new Text document file and paste the CRC code there. Now, it is time to open the PCSX2 Cheat Converter on your PC. Once opened, add your cheat codes to it. Cli...
【模拟】【下载】PS..PCSX2应该是目前模拟进度最好的PS2模拟器了,2005年以来许多令人振奋的消息和游戏截图使我们都感到距离PS2完美模拟已经不远了(虽然配置问题让人感到心寒……) 本帖转发是的PCSX2官方网站的
http://www.pcsx2.net/pcsx2download.php?aid=182 PCSX2 0.8.1 (Linux | Debug) [598 KB]http://www.pcsx2.net/pcsx2download.php?aid=181 PCSX2 0.8.1 (Source) [539 KB]http://www.pcsx2.net/pcsx2download.php?aid=180 插件下载 Various Required Plugins:GSsoft 0.9 (win32...
PCSX20.9.7FAQ SectionI:Generalquestionsabouttheproject Whatistheaimofthisproject? Theaimofthisprojectistoemulatetheystation2,allowing peopletoytheirPs2gamesontheirpc.Thisrequireshavingan originalystation2console(fortheBIOS)andofcoursehaving theoriginalgamesaswell. ...
1-复制MS_ROOT文件夹下的所有文件到记忆棒根目录 2-按住R启动你的PSP 3-到advanced -> Advanced configuration这个设置内 4-在Plain modules in UMD/ISO上按X开启(Enable)组件 5-选择BACK二次 6-选择插件plugins 7-在cwcheatpops.prx [POPS]上按X,然后提示已开启ENABLED(上面的那个也开)8-退出...
Step 1: Download PCSX2 Packages for your computer from theofficial website. Step 2: Start Installing (PCSX2) PS2 Emulator on your Windows or Mac computer. Installing the executable file on Windows is different from installing (.dmg) file on Mac. So it is recommended to follow the correct ...
As you run PCSX2 your first task will be configuring its various plugins because it totally depends on the plugins and the performance greatly increases or decreases according to their configuration. [alert-note]Best Truck Simulator Games For PC[/alert-note] ...
下载 最新 的PCSX2 v0.8.1 请在此下载 (http://www.pcsx2.net/) 2)打开已下载的档案,解压到一个文件夹裏(例如 C:\PCSX2) 3)在你已经解压的文件夹裏,执行 pcsx2.exe 目录 1.插件程序(Plugins)的设定 2.图像插件程序的设定 3.音响插件程序的设定 4.操纵手挚插件程序的设定 5.光 分享242 pcsx2吧...
3DNOW2.. SSE4a Reserving memory for recompilers... Loading plugins... Binding GS : C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 0.9.8\Plugins\gsdx-sse2-r4600.dll Windows 6.1.7600 Binding PAD : C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 0.9.8\Plugins\lilypad-r4600.dll Binding SPU2 : C:\Program Files (x86)...