ps3han破可以装ps2游戏了?是不是和ps3游戏一样要转pkg 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2019-04-29 09:53回复 sdkk108 饭点战神 1 han破当然能玩ps2游戏,而且连ps1和psp的游戏都能玩,但是只能运行大约80%的游戏,完美运行的话不到50%,需要自己重签成pkg格式。 来自iPhone客户端2楼2019-04-29 10:12 ...
1回复贴,共1页 <返回ps3吧新人请问我是ps3 hen破解想找ps2游戏pkg下载 只看楼主收藏回复 darksnake23 饭点战神 1 新人请问我是ps3 hen破解想找ps2游戏pkg下载 送TA礼物 1楼2024-10-09 09:29回复 END酱 假牙怪 13 黑商店全英文无中文那种pkg有的是。 来自Android客户端2楼2024-10-09 10:58 回...
[PS2转PS3]《玛娜传奇学园的炼金术士们》pkg下载 《玛娜传奇学园的炼金术士们》pkg下载。这款游戏是工作室系列的第九作。与《工作室》系列相同,本作的故事是发生在存在炼金术的幻想世界,游戏的舞台是一所学校,讲述“青春期的少男少女们探求自我”的故事。 游戏流程是以学校生活为中心展开,学生们需要在学期内透过...
[PS2转PS3]《剑豪2》pkg下载 《剑豪2》pkg下载。在本游戏中,你将化身为一名剑客,学习各家剑法、挑战剑客、收集名刀,透过各式厮杀恶斗以磨练自己,志在成为江户时代的第一剑豪,这是一款独树一格的日本武士格斗游戏之最新续作。 游戏中,你将拥有更多自由度来进行脸孔、衣裳及名字的设定,而创造出属于你特有的“分身...
Install the created fPKG on your PS4 and play Note: For CD games (.bin) click YES when asked about adding LIMG sector. CD games won't work without it. Another Note:The app will auto-select a config filethat usually fixes some issues with the game, but only if i...
This method is literally almost identical to that of the PS3. Only difference is the fact that we are building a PKG file as an extra step. Process is the same if u wanna put Codebreaker cheats in ur PS2 games on a Jailbroken PS3 (again, excluding the PKG building part). ...
It was tested in PS4 version 9.0. In PS2-FPKG v0.4 use Rogue v1. It don't work in Jak v2 emulator (the game freezes on course selection, after choose the vehicle in Arcade Mode) Driver - Parallel Lines (AKA. Driver 4 - Parallel Lines in Japan by UbiSoft) Major Issues Major ...
The Getaway Download Game PS2 PCSX2 Free, PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility, Guide play Game PS2 ISO PKG on PS3 on PS4
where am i supposed to put the update 1.05 pkg file? 0 Reply huaauhhuauha 4 years ago can’t download DLC for BLUS, fix please? -1 Reply psp Author Reply to huaauhhuauha 4 years ago check link work for me send me link die ? 0 Reply Nib NIb 4 years ago do any ...
A google search should help you backup Virtual PS2 memory cards (on PS3) remove the saves from them, and make one save into a PS3 save, although I don’t know if it works between ISO with virtual Memory Card, and PS2 PSN PKG Edit: I thought you meant from a PS2 ISO that saved ...