3、《鬼泣》系列 虽然PS3上有鬼泣4,次时代还有鬼泣DMC~~~但是PS2上的三代依旧值得再次体验,因为每...
Guitar Hero 3 friendly p 分享31赞 寂静岭吧 Punk小熊 模拟ps2寂静岭起源求助小弟我基本成功模拟寂静岭起源 但是为什么在菜单里无法移动光标,这样无法选择物品,我连存档都存不了啊!求高人解答 分享4赞 寂静岭吧 可乐PS4 再收集个PS2的寂静岭2 3 起源 破碎就全了 26413 寂静岭吧 PS2的寂静岭3好难控制啊今天玩了...
Guitar Hero - Aerosmith (Europe).7z Guitar Hero - Rocks the 80s (Australia).7z Guitar Hero - Rocks the 80s (Europe) (Fr,De,Es,It).7z Guitar Hero 5 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).7z Guitar Hero II (Europe, Australia) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).7z Gumball 3000 (Europe).7z Gun (Europe,...
* It supports Multi-format game ROM, Include: *.iso\bin\img\nrg.♦ The lis of PS2 games that New PS2 Emulator - Best Emulator For PS2 can run oothly on the Samsung S9 and S8 :* Guitar Hero 2 : 67 FPS;* Kingdom Hearts II : 55 FPS;* Dino Crisis : 55 FPS;* Crash Team ...
Guitar Hero 2 : 60 FPS;Kingdom Hearts II : 30-40 FPS;Dino Crisis : 30-40 FPS;Tekken 3 : 40-45 FPS;Final Fantasy X : 40-55 FPS;Tomb Raider III : 60 FPS;Spider+Man : 60 FPS.If you have any questions or problems with this App,please contact us and we will respond as quickly...
(.iso,.gi 等等), 2,按下『Go]按钮,开始补丁,这个过程会很快,状态栏会显示进度及成功与否,如下图 就是成功了, 如果是这样的提示表示已经打过补丁了,无论补丁多少次也不会造成镜像损坏, 打完补丁的D9 游戏在PS2 主机运行时LOGO 会发生变化,一般游戏的: Toxic Patcher 补丁以后的: 三,烧录: 一般网上下载...
PS2 has some of the all time best video games ever:Guitar Hero: Metallica Grand Theft Auto: Vice City X-Men Origins: Wolverine WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
Play. Despite a free app, this emulator provides high-quality graphics to support your playtime. It also boasts tons of features such as Neon Acceleration and up to 90% PS2 game support, such as Guitar Hero, Resident Evil 4, Gran Turismo, and Metal Gear Solid. Also checkemuparadise ...
分享6赞 ps2吧 青春手卷 IGN所选出的PS2最佳游戏BEST 25 (转自A9)25位: 格林魔书 24位: 大家喜欢的块魂 23位: Jak 3 22位: 魔界戦记 ディスガイア 21位: Guitar Hero II 20位: 寂静岭2 19位: 大神 18位: VR战士4 EVO 17位: 最终幻想XII 16位: 生化危机4 15位: PERSONA3 FES 14位: 勇者...
Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80's • Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80's Minor Issues Minor Issues Not Available Same Problem in PAL and NTSC, in the 6th tier the stage freezes the game, but the other stages are fine. No USB peripheral support in the emulator. Guitar Hero II Minor Issues...