Download: (Latest) / GIT / TrelloTo quote from TheDarkprogramer: Hi GuysHere is another releasethis will convert PS2 iso's into PS4 pkg'sSimply give it a PS2 isothen give it a Content ID (Must be in format TTTTNNNN) T = Text ...
Download: (Latest) / GIT / TrelloTo quote from TheDarkprogramer: Hi GuysHere is another releasethis will convert PS2 iso's into PS4 pkg'sSimply give it a PS2 isothen give it a Content ID (Must be in format TTTTNNNN) T = Text N =...
PS2-FPKG v0.7-Beta A tool that converts PS2 games into PS4 fPKGs, now completelly rewritten with more features and faster/better code! So basically this app converts PS2 games into PS4 fPKGs using the well know PS2 Classics emulators. It's easy to use, just...
《Capcom经典游戏合集2 Capcom Classics Collection Vol 2》pkg下载。以 PS2 版同名作品为基础,收录有 20 款 CAPCOM 往昔的大型电玩经典名作游戏,包括《魔界村》系列、《1942》系列、《战场之狼》系列、《街头霸王 2》系列...等等。 游戏特色 -简单的多人连线方式,直接透过PSP的AdHoc进行连接对战,免除麻烦的大厅...
《Capcom经典游戏合集 1 Capcom Classics Collection Vol 1》pkg下载。以 PS2 版同名作品为基础,收录有 多款款 CAPCOM 往昔的大型电玩经典名作游戏,包括《魔界村》系列、《1942》系列、《战场之狼》系列、《街头霸王 2》系列等。 《卡普空 街机游戏合集》收录作品名单如下: ...
PS2 Classics fPKG Creator PSP Classics fPKG Creator PS5 General ELF & BIN Payload Sender Mast1c0re ELF Payload & PS2 ISO Sender APP.DB Modifier (Add the Internet Browser to the home menu for every profile with a simple click (requires FTPS5 loaded first)) ...
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post the issue or not because this says PS3 tools but this is where the "Log an Issue" link directed me. When I update to the newest version it says "" at the top and not like I ...
Link PKG :Mega Note: –Install PS1 classics PKG to PS3 HAN:Here –Upload by Denmok ——— NOTE –Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) :Download Here Venture into the strange world of Whoville, where reality is twisted and everything is more than a little strange. Outlandish ...
这是更新版,更加详细也进行了部分的勘误修正 22838 ps3吧 星之缘随缘 hen ps2教程hen模拟ps2简单教程 1:安装mm4.85和ps2 classics holder 2:fat32的u盘新建ps2iso文件夹,放入你的ps2游戏 3:mm最左mmcm选项里switch to multiman mode点击 4:mm手柄下边找到你的ps2游戏点击,出现有ps2 classic的字样,选是,等待...
When exporting Game Saves for "PS2 classics" (CATEGORY 2P) to a external USB drive there is a "rare" PARAM.SFO exported. This PARAM.SFO seems to be a copy of the main PARAM.SFO from the installed game folder with an added "signature" "injected" at the end of the file (out of his...