Welcome to wowroms Language En Fr Es Pt De Ru Search Roms, Games, ISOs and more... GBA PSP SNES Pokémon : Edición Rojo Fuego [Spain] Pokémon : Edición Esmeralda [Spain] Pokémon: FireRed Version [USA] ...
So we still need a box to enter the game key instead of just ISO/eboot Maybe detect this ISO and warn the user? NES/SNES Classic save game format https://github.com/TeamShinkansen/Hakchi2-CE(tool used to write games onto the devices) ...
Game ROM Manager for games that use a roms folder Media Content Manager for homebrew that use a media folder PSP ISO to CSO Converter CSO Decompressor PBP to ISO / ISO to PBP Converter PBP Packer/Unpacker PSVita PKG Extractor PKG Infos Reader ...
由于以下原因: 1.PS1游戏锁区,PS1游戏并无国行版,所以国行50009型PS2无法运行并不存在的国行PS1游戏; 2.虽然加装直读芯片可以绕过区域检测和正版检测,但是国行PS2所使用的直读芯片为专用芯片,并不支持读取PS1游戏; 3.无论是HDL还是OPL-HDD、OPL-SMB、OPL-USB都无法免盘运行PS1游戏ISO。 因此,50009型PS2一直被...
Internet archive If you need to, you can also access the site via the Internet archive here:https://web.archive.org/web/https://savefileconverter.com/ Releases No releases published