Get an offset [You can get them from / Duckstation / Epsxe] 2. Remove the first 2 numbers from the offset 3. Increase the offset by 0xEB2A0 using a hex calculator and add it to your shn For ps4cheater Only tested in Syphon filter's emulator 1. Get an offset [You...
PS2,Wii,360,模拟器游戏、主题、电子书、自制软件、固件更新包相关交流下载区。子版块:<a href="" target="_blank">&am
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然而你也没分清楚avg和arpg游戏。冒险游戏 来自iPhone客户端13楼2016-06-20 00:03 收起回复 鎖那超可愛 未知空域 11 角色扮演类游戏都是RPG,分类不是很清楚的,楼主你硬撕也没什么卵用。 来自Android客户端14楼...
wiki-<syntax> {{playable}} Playable The game works perfect, lacking any noticeable errors.It runs in a manner indistinguishable from real PSP hardware. {{minorissues}} Minor Issues The game has some small issues like small flickering, frame drops or glitching graphics.But the game itself ...
预览 [PS3] 高達外傳 故事關卡報告 (轉WIKI) zhangxiu1982 2014-11-6 08:38 22789 lyetv1323 2014-11-6 08:52 预览 [PS3] 無雙大蛇2U仙武取得及貴重物攻略分享 zhangxiu1982 2014-11-6 08:36 47681 倾奇御免 2014-11-6 14:48 预览 [PS3] 玩二之国过合成锅的小技巧 zhangxiu1982 2014-11-6...
来源:日站WIKI 空艦バトシエ 与朱丽叶和荷米隆对话,在世界地图中进入始原之里。 逃离太古の森 稍微前进魔门开始出现,把敌人打倒后继续前进。 在西北部高台的小路逆时针方向前进,将看守和大恶魔打倒。 跟随朱丽叶前进,将途中的敌人击倒。 在东南部的大房间触发最后猛攻,アークデーモン2只、ストーンマン、ゴ... functionalityGeneralSupport on all custom firmwares with Cobra feature enabled (ver 4.46-4.91 CEX, DEX & DECR) Support on Evilnat firmware (ver 4.87.2-4.91 CEX, DEX, PEX, D-PEX) Support on REBUG firmware with Cobra feature disabled (...
Those familiar with2016 MethodsforOlder LIC.DAT TitlesandLICDIR / USEDIR Mods with Patch Updatesand the less documentedExclusive Methodscan lend a hand testing, while others can edit and update theWiki Pagewith the missing PS3 Game Title IDs as time permits. ...