3:软件大全同步更新直改模拟器到beta7.2、 AutoPlugin2 v1.27. 4:修复1.07版不能更新系统的bug. 5:修复1.07版播放mp4没有声音的问题。 6:修复-些时候进度条闪乱的bug. -请后查看隐藏or下载内容- 工具PSV掌机 Continue Reading Previous电脑端|PSV模拟器Vita3K中文版-附教程 ...
This guide will show you how to automatically install plugins for your hacked PS Vita. Autoplugin is a homebrew application that features a collection of essential plugins that can be installed directly to your PS Vita without the need for a PC. There are also a range of additional features s...
I was able to reinstall Henkaku to get vita shell again to rewrite the memory card with the back up I made. The vita was still modded just without the applications but using the backup I made put it back to normal. I have to get new SD2vita cards since one didnt work and the other...
Successfully jailbroken vita & installed SD2vita for my vita1000. I have 2 other sony memory cards and was wondering if I would be able to transfer data from these memorycards onto the larger sd card OR if I can still play games which are installed on said memorycards. Is it possible ...
PS Vita Ba..作者:SKGleba尺寸:VPK大小:38.18 KB描述:包含用于enso的内核插件的小型应用程序,可解决PSVita与电池有关的大多数问题。基本上,结果与硬件断开电池或使用syscon键组合器相同
Download and installNoPspEmuDrm by SilicaAndPina(you can useAutoPlugin II). CopyFasterARK.vpkfromVita/Standalone/folder anywhere on your vita and install usingVitaShell. OpenFasterARKand wait for the install process to finish. AnARKbubble will appear inLive Area. ...
For FTP mode: enter the address displayed on your PS Vita in your PC file browser e.g.ftp://xxx.xxx.x.x:1337 For USB mode: connect your USB to your computer and it will function as a USB storage device SD2Vita: simply connect your MicroSD card to your PC and transfer the files...
vita 工具箱安装插件 37 使用 Autoplugin 安装插件 38 使用 PKGj 黑商店安装游戏 39 内存卡卡套使用 41 精简原装 棒 41 将内存卡转换为 FDD 模式 41 拷贝系统文件 44 安装内存卡卡套 44 游戏安装 46 使用 PKGj 黑商店安装游戏 46 使用 VitaS 手动安装游戏 46 写在后面 48 后续更新与 48 联系编者 48 准备...
Autoplugin 2 v2.01by theheroG/Team Onelua Last Release: Dec 8, 2022 Downloads: 360252 Autoplugin 2 for PSVITA This tool allows you to install/uninstall the following plugins with one click on ux0 or ur0 (ur0 for SD2VITA): Developer Site|Permalink ...