Remote Play itself is nothing new of course - PSP and Vita had lacklustre, laggy support for a handful of PS3 games - but Vita itself has seen virtually no additional support, despite the introduction of a higher-quality 480p protocol. Indeed, those running hacked PS3 firmwareshave had acces...
A little bit laggy The app is laggy and the audio is frequently corrupted and I just cannot play games properly and get the best out of this app( iPhone XR ) and also please add remote play via mobile data. 更多 Shiro Hk , 06/11/2023 Screen size If full screen display will ...
At home yes it was laggy & I had anywhere from PS2 - PS3 like graphics. I uninstalled it after trying to play a game of Apex on it.@Cheese9ManIt was way better then 😂! I actually kinda find myself regretting that I didn't try playing a Vita. I loved my PSP but sold it ...
Back in 2015 this didn't work good at all, very laggy with 144p/240p quality. Reply A Am myB 07 Oct 2019 About damn time! Sony should have opened this up years ago instead of keeping it exclusively for their faltering Xperia line. Reply G GrandMaster DkS 07 Oct 2019 elbot1234, ...
PS App and PS Remote Play enhancements Starting later today, we’re gradually rolling out the ability for PS App users to create or join Open and Closed Parties through the app as well. We’ve also updated the PS App Game Base UI to make it easier to access the Friends, Parties and ...
Laggy cutscenes; Visual Bugs on Characters; Muffled Sound (In-Game); If you can ignore this the game is pretty playable Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones ? Major Issues Major Issues Full speed yet severe graphics corruption and shadow casting issues. NTSC-J works, but with same problems,...
Updates to Remote Play App on Mobile and PC At the same time as 8.00, the existing PS4 Remote Play app on mobile (iOS/Android), Windows PC and Mac, will change its name to PS Remote Play, and the option to connect to PS5 will be added. You’ll need to sign in to PSN from you...
Niki – Nikitheliger April 22, 2017 Hey mateI have also used the display capture / window capture while testing this out. If the picture is laggy from your ps4 to the computer most likely cause is a WIFI connection that may cause it. For your computer this way should be pretty easy ...
Official Servers are so laggy and overpopulated or else I would have just played there. About ready to quit as are others. I enjoy new people all the time and do not want to run a closed password protected server just like Quarkyy and besides, if someone gets an invite that is new ...
The bad news is that after extensive testing over the past two days, I've found that, in its current state, Remote Play is inconsistent. It won't work at all on our office Internet, it's laggy and choppy on Stephen's slow Brooklyn connection, and even on my home network, which is...