ResetEra论坛上有玩家写到:“一切都瘫痪了。游戏共享者(比如我)无法访问他们的整个数字库,包括离线游戏。没有PS Plus的用户也被影响到了。” Reddit论坛也有玩家表示:“我没有PS Plus,但我也玩不了我想玩的游戏。我想我就是个二等公民。” Eurogamer已联系索尼,询问其是否计划采取其他形式的补偿措施,并再次询问本P...
F.E.A.R., the inFamous series, Lost Planet 2, Motorstorm RC and Apocalypse, the Ratchet and Clank Future saga and more are coming to PS Plus.
然而,任何购买PS5的玩家都不应该遇到这位玩家的遭遇。 Reddit用户Imcheeku分享了他在亚马逊印度站购买PS5的经历。包裹送达后,他打开一看,却发现问题大了。里面不是PS5,而是一个严重损坏的PS4包装盒,盒子看起来勉强用胶带粘在一起。更糟糕的是,当他安排退货时,快递员上门检查,发现这个破损的PS4盒子里竟然是一台PS3... "I have bought some of them on the PS3/PSP/PS Vita and the ones I could claim on the PS4/PS5 were Tekken 2 (which previously was not redeemable), all Syphon Filter games...
In fact what we REALLY need is a patched Red Dead Redemption 2 , with a massive expansion that recreates the original Red Dead Redemption in the RDR2 map and engine, plus perhaps a few missions to knit together the two games. Would be phenomenal. 0 Reply 61 Denni5m Sun 10th Oct 2021...
For save files, I can use PlayStation Plus cloud storage if I’m a subscriber. If not, I’ll copy them to a USB drive. I’ll go to Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage. Then I’ll select “Copy to USB Storage Device” and choose the files ...
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as they added it to the ps plus membership, i want to make a modded save and than transfer it to my ps5, i deleted the game like 1 week before they added it to the subscription... hahaha Prev 1 2 You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook X ... Regards, spidey101 We're here to help troubleshoot and investigate your issue, but know that you can always open a warranty ...