拓展您的内容保存库,每月都可期待一系列新加入的精选游戏。任何PlayStation Plus计划的会员皆可下载,并在会员有效期间尽情畅玩。 Payday 3 在这款高强度的多人合作射击游戏中,恶名昭彰的Payday帮从退休状态卷土重来,重新发挥他们的抢劫技能。 获取游戏 Sol Cresta ...
PLAYSTATION PLUS专属内容组合包 加入任何PlayStation Plus会员方案,让您的基本免费游戏体验更上层楼,下载专属造型和游戏内物品,游玩《Apex 英雄》和《使命召唤: 战争地带》。 全部专属内容选择您的会员计划 从三种全新会员计划选项中选择,以获得您所需的游戏和福利。 高级 畅快访问,玩无极限 PlayStation Plus高级 享受...
PlayStation Plus subscribers that want to get the most bang for their buck should sign up for the Premium tier, as it includes all the games that are part of the Essential and Extra tiers plus the Premium exclusives, along with various other benefits. New PS Plus Extra and Premium Games ...
PlayStation Plus Deluxe will be offered at a lower price compared to Premium, and includes a catalog of beloved classic games from the original PlayStation, PS2 and PSP generations to download and play, along with time-limited game trials. Benefits from Essential and Extra tiers are also includ...
PlayStation Plus Essential New games to play each month, online multiplayer, exclusive PS Store discounts and more, available with all three PlayStation Plus membership plans. PlayStation Plus Premium Enjoy all the PlayStation Plus benefits from the Extra and Essential plans, plus exclusive benefits...
2024年5月PS Plus Essential的免费游戏将从5月7日起提供。PlayStation宣布了令人兴奋的PlayStation Plus订阅者游戏阵容。可用游戏将包括《EA Sports FC 24》,《Ghostrunner 2》,《TUNIC》和《命运2:光明陨落》。这些游戏涵盖了多种类型,为各类游戏玩家提供选择。一旦将这些游戏添加到您的PlayStation Plus账户,只要您...
2024年1月的PSPlus免费游戏揭晓 | 28日索尼宣布了2024年1月的免费PlayStation Plus Essential游戏 分别是: 瘟疫故事:镇魂曲(A Plague Tale: Requiem) 邪恶西部(Evil West) 没有人拯救世界(Nobody Saves the World) 所有三款游戏将于中国时间1月3日可供Essential、Extra和Premium层PlayStation@ Plus订阅者下载。
According to a leak by prominent leaker billbil-kun, subscribers to the PS Plus Essential service can expect to receive four games as part of their February 2023 monthly lineup. This includes OlliOlli World (available on PS5 and PS4), Mafia Definitive Edition (PS4), Evil Dead The Gam...
- Essential:与目前的 PS+ 会员一致,每月 9.99 美元。- Extra:增加约 400 款可游玩的第一方和第三方的 PS4 / PS5 游戏,每月 14.99 美元。- Premium:再增加约 340 款可玩的 PS / PS2 / PSP / PS3 游戏(PS3 仅提供云游戏),限时免费试玩。每月 17.99 美元。-港服提供PS Plus Deluxe会员。其中包含...
If you are wondering whether upgrading from PlayStation Plus Essential is worth your money, you’ll want to take the PS Plus games list for the Extra and Premium tiers into account. Whether you’re considering the move on PS4 or PS5, there are plenty of top-tier games to enjoy on the...