求助在windows..求助大佬,想在windows上安装PS remote play,安装的时候弹出对话框需要安装媒体功能包但跳转到Microsoft官网,只显示下面这种下载方式:按照指示打开可选功能后里面没有媒体功能包:
I use a desktop PC without wireless connection card. How can I connect with Ps Play? If you connect to internet with same router as iPhone, then wireless card is not necessary. Can't connect to Photoshop on Windows? You can try to check the authorization via Control Panel > System and ...
Bluestacks is one of the coolest and widely used Emulator to run Android applications on your Windows PC. Bluestacks software is even available for Mac OS as well. We are going to use Bluestacks in this method to Download and InstallPSPlay: PS4 Remote Play Unlimited for PC Windows 10/8...
将PlayStation®游戏的强大功能,串流到PS5®、PS4™、PS Portal、PC、Mac、Apple iOS或Android设备上。 在更多屏幕上游玩您最爱的PlayStation游戏 将PlayStation游戏1从主机串流到手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑、台式机、Android TV设备、PS5或PS4主机,或是专用的PlayStation Portal™远程串流终端上。
Download PS4 Remote Play for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10. We provide PS4 Remote Play 2.8.0 APK file for Android 5.0+ and up. PS4 Remote Play is a free Entertainment app. It\'s easy to download and install to your mobile phone. Please be aware that We only s
同时,索尼有望在6月8日举办PlayStation Showcase 2023活动,届时索尼将公布PS5第二阶段计划,推出包括可拆卸磁盘驱动器的新款PS5、Project Nomad无线耳机、Project Voyager无线耳机和Q Lite掌机等产品。有知情人士表示,索尼将在未来几个月公布PS5 Pro的最新消息,虽然目前仍不清楚索尼将会以何种方式公布这些消息。这次...
Desktop or laptops with the PS Remote Play app installed can play Remote Play games using a DUALSHOCK 4, DualSense or DualSense Edge wireless controller. In games that support hardware keyboards, Windows PC and Mac users have the ability to operate the game using keyboard keys, as if they are...
PS4 Remote Play, free download. An easy and effective way to stream PlayStation 4 games to your Mac or Windows PC
《战地 2042》是 EA 最新推出的 FPS 射击大作,第 4 赛季已于 2 月 28 日上线,适用于 PC、Xbox One、Xbox Series X|S、PlayStation 4 和 PlayStation 5 等平台。《我的世界:地下城》是一款动作 RPG 游戏,此前已在任天堂 Switch、PlayStation、Windows PC、Xbox One 和 Xbox Series X 上推出。去年 3...
I use a desktop PC without wireless connection card. How can I connect with Ps Play? If you connect to internet with same router as iPhone, then wireless card is not necessary. Can't connect to Photoshop on Windows? You can try to check the authorization via Control Panel > System and ...