但是,在世界上卻有著這樣的兩樣東西,能跨越所有的障礙,連接每個人的心。那就是,音樂和愛。音樂,是一種超越文字的語言,是一種全世界人都能聽懂的語言。而愛,是一種無聲的語言,這種無言,能讓所有的心都彼此相連。P.S, I Love You 是一本愛情小說。愛情,這一個人類永遠追求的主題,有著無數種詮釋。可是西...
《PS,I love you》这部电影,冲着两个人去看的,第一个,当仁不让是女主角Hilary Swank;第二个,就是曾经在Friends里面异常精灵古怪的Lisa Kudrow了。剧情么,很烂的。简单一点说,就是一对平时生活中贫贱夫妻百事哀的夫妻,丈夫脑瘤去世,在去世后依靠署有PS I Love You的信件试图帮助妻子走出困境重新获得新生活新...
片刻的画面定格气氛在瞬间降到冰点,突然,Gerry折返回来,狂热的拥抱……Holly and Gerry had the type of love many of us can only ever dream of; childhood sweethearts who grew up together and became best friends, lovers and soulmates.这也许是一种静静爱情的冬季来临之前的低潮,是他们之间热烈的爱的一...
I can only give my personal opinions about anything I review and those opinions are based on my skill level, my performing experience, my personality (or lack of one) and sometimes simply having a bad hair day. That's not very fair to the inventors of the tricks I'm asked to review....
还有一句话--PS: I LOVE YOU 主演希拉里·斯万克(Hillary Swank)是《男孩不哭》里面那个不羁的同性恋女孩,居然这里就变成了个感性至极的女人。不一定有惊艳的容颜,却演绎出了不错的执着女子。 看完电影觉得,其实任性的女子才会是幸运的,就像电影里的三个女人:一个执迷的爱恋死去的丈夫,所以才愿意对信中的每句...
Saulnier's bottom-of-a-well vocal makes it hard to tell if the song is in fact about the popular end-of-the-world prophecy, but the urgent, thrashing delivery makes PS I Love You's intentions crystal clear: they want apocalypse now....
PS I Love You: Pamela's Secret: Directed by Roland Dante. With Pamela Sandersin, Sean Michaels, Roland Dante, Sabrina Rose. Pamela finds herself on yet another sex charged escapade, this time in Paris, the City d'Amour. The luscious blonde bombshell just
PS I love you Version 1.00 January 25, 201 font(Font family name:PS I love you;Font style name:Book),52 characters in total.Character distribution range:Basic Latin,Latin-1 Supplement,Spacing Modifier Letters
Fé:Uhuh. The little squirrel guy is really funny! I would love to have a pet like him! Jak himself is still a silent protagonist in this game though and since most of the time it’s just the two of you out exploring you’ll go for long stretches without any dialog. ...