Stay within the world of PlayStation® with games, services and features as you upgrade from a PS4™ to a PS5™ console.Blockbuster games for PS4EA Sports FC™ 24 EA Sports FC 24 marks the beginning of the future of football. Built on innovation and authenticity, the most true-...
The best free-to-play games on PS4 and PS5 There are dozens of hard-to-put-down multiplayer games available on PlayStation Store that you can start playing now without opening your wallet. Here's a guide to the best of them. Free-to-play shooters ...
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该工作室在去年10月曾筹集了440万美元,在芬兰赫尔辛基与德国柏林建立了两个手游工作室,工作室首个项目为手游射击类游戏,员工构成包含R星、Wargaming、Rovio、Next Games的前员工。SIE旗下第一方游戏部门 PlayStation Studios 主管 Hermen Hulst 在同一篇博客文章中,对Savage的加入表示欢迎,同时对PlayStation游戏业务的...