2、BIOS更换:由于PS主机BIOS有多种脚位的,而起是贴片封装,所以,这个方法比较难 首先要在替换的芯片...
This release packed by AppNee has built in all the game console BIOS files (12) and video/audio plugins (120+) which I dare say is the most complete you can find through the whole Internet. Just in order to make it much more easier to use for every PSone fans, hoping you guys to ...
1、bios文件:这个必须要有,否则不能运行游戏。这个通常就用scph 分享492 芜湖十二中吧 qlwhn 超级游戏高手进来,必看!PS one 游戏大全……Cool~ [PS][SLPS-01103].Gakkou.O.Tsukurou!!.Let's.Make.A.School.(J).(SLG).(Victor.Interactive.Software).模拟学校.r 分享192 3ds吧 任氏操作 请教个问题,此...
Models: SCPH-18000 Year(s): December 2000 - April 2001 Motherboards: GH-003 Uses the KHS-400A or KHS-400B optical pickup Has a PCMCIA-slot and lacks the expansion bay BIOS boot ROM (new version 1.20J) located on a daugherboard, while the normal boot ROM pads on the GH-003 are ...
教程: 1.设置-系统-加载bios(scph1001.bin)文件。 2.设置-系统-存档-(自由设置 +8 分享172 playstation吧 zjj哎呦 SONY你敢HD化PSone上的游戏么?FF7、8,月下、北欧女神等神马的你敢HD么?吓死你!!! 分享21赞 神游吧 暗之天皇 PSP上的NDS模拟器正在开发看起来PSP已经成了模拟器的天堂,网友在PSP上开发出...