PDC-144 Jerar Encarnacion - Jupiter Hammerheads PDC-145 T.J. Sikkema - Staten Island Yankees PDC-146 Jeremy Pena - Fayetteville Woodpeckers PDC-147 Brady Singer - Wilmington Blue Rocks PDC-148 Daniel Lynch - Wilmington Blue Rocks PDC-149 Matt Gorski - West Virginia Black Bears PDC-150 Casey...
这里还有着美东唯一的中式园林“寄兴园”,有着浪漫的中式小桥流水、假山、庭院,还有正宗的五爪红枫,秋天来红枫伸过庭院的角窗,超级美味,仿佛穿越回了苏州的园林呢~ 地址:1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301 网址:http://www.snug-harbor.org 5. Fort Tryon Park 这个地区是美国独立战争中华盛顿堡战...
K - 5New York City Geographic District #31 200 Wardwell Avenue, Staten Island, NY, 10314 Tel:(718) 442-0462 9 9out of 10 GreatSchools Rating 659 Students 12: 1 Students : Teacher Student to teacher ratio of12to 1 See homes for sale and rentnearPs 30 Westerleigh ...
555 Page Avenue, Staten Island, NY, 10307 Tel: (718) 697-3760 88 out of 10 GreatSchools Rating 2 out of 59 reviews Parent Rating 471 Students 9 : 1 Students : TeacherStudent to teacher ratio of 9 to 1 See homes for sale and rent near Ps 6 Cpl Allan F Kivlehan School 55 homes ...
Ps 69 Daniel D Tompkins is a public school located in Staten Island, NY, which is in a large city setting. The student population of Ps 69 Daniel D Tompkins is 771 and the school serves PK-5. At Ps 69 Daniel D Tompkins, 37% of students scored at or above the proficient level for...
Price cut: $300,000 (1/20) 40 E 80th St APT 21A, New York, NY 10075 LISTING BY: BROWN HARRIS STEVENS $599,000 3bds 3ba --sqft - Condo for sale Price cut: $150,000 (1/24) 361-K Skyline Dr, Staten Island, NY 10304 ...
Standards-aligned IEPs An Individual Education Plan (IEP) identifies the services, supports, and elements of specially designed instruction that address the unique needs of a student with a disability needed to enable that student to participate in the general curriculum and address the standards for...
1 Campaign | Staten Island, United States $770 USD 16 backers 25% of $3,000 Flexible Goal Save for later share Story FAQ Updates 0 Discussion 0 Background My name is Luke J. McKenzie. I'm an amateur filmmaker, actor, and editor just graduated from NYCDA based in New York City...
比如,原先的曼哈顿大桥在游戏中叫做阿尔冈琴大桥(Algonquin Bridge),布鲁克林区被改为布洛克区(Broker),皇后区改名为公爵区(Dukes),Staten Island将不会在游戏里出现。就连美国标志性建筑之一的自由女神像也被改头换面叫做幸福女神像(Statue of Happiness)。整个城市的面积没有圣安地列斯大,但是在细节上要...