2018年,我加入哈佛法学院招生办。 (Kristi Jobson, Harvard Law School招生助理院长、首席招生官) (Eulas Boyd,Brooklyn Law School招生院长) PS样稿总评 Miriam:在接下来的几期节目中,我们会一一解析我们挑选出的听众来稿PS。今天我们要剖析的PS在这里:https://admissions.law.yale.edu/apply/podcast_personal_sta...
这是Ps 34 John Harvard School的页面列表。 它的详细信息州, 城市, 地址, 邮政编码, 在线地图如下。学校信息 学校名称: Ps 34 John Harvard School 地址: 104-12 Sprngfld Blvd 城市: Queens Village 州: New York 年级: KG-5 邮政编码: 11429 ...
P.S. 130 is a diverse, multicultural community dedicated to the growth of the whole child. We are housed in two buildings in District 15 serving 3-K through Grade 5. The Lower School houses 3-K through 2nd grade. The Upper School houses 3rd through 5th grade. ...
School Name: PS 17 School ID:0360013503373 Grade Range:UG School District:NYC SPECIAL SCHOOLS - DISTRICT 75 School Level:Other School Type:Special education school Students:506 Teachers:112 Student Teacher Ratio:4.48
(Kristi Jobson, Harvard Law School招生助理院长、首席招生官) (Eulas Boyd,Brooklyn Law School招生院长) PS样稿总评 Eulas:今天,我首先为大家概况一下今天我们要评论的这篇PS的主要内容。作者首先描绘了自己较为坎坷的童年时期——和几内亚父母在X国长大,从小喜欢阅读。作者提到自己关于人权问题的阅读。在16岁的...
Ps 36 is a public school located in Brooklyn, NY, which is in a large city setting. The student population of Ps 36 is 388 and the school serves PK-12.The school’s minority student enrollment is 93%. The student-teacher ratio is 4:1, which is better than that of the district.The...
Ps 65 is a public school located in Brooklyn, NY, which is in a large city setting. The student population of Ps 65 is 471 and the school serves PK-5. At Ps 65, 58% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 57% scored at or above that level for reading...
K - 5Nyc Geog District #19 - Brooklyn 400 Ashford Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11207 Tel:(718) 277-6116 5 5out of 10 GreatSchools Rating 402 Students 12: 1 Students : Teacher Student to teacher ratio of12to 1 See homes for sale and rentnearPs 158 Warwick ...
Brooklyn Nets(3) Charlotte Bobcats(2) Charlotte Hornets(1) Chicago Bulls(47) Cleveland Cavaliers(37) Dallas Mavericks(12) Denver Nuggets(18) Detroit Pistons(15) Golden State Warriors(52) Houston Rockets(19) Indiana Pacers(13) L.A. Clippers(13) ...
Beach Channel High School 100-00 Bch Channel Dr, Rockaway Park, NY, 11694 2.966 Ms 180 Gerald R. Dever Middle School 3-20 Bch 104th St, Rockaway Park, NY, 11694 2.966 Offsite Educ Services-bronx 100-00 Bch Channel Dr, Rockaway Park, NY, 11694 2.966 Off-site Educ Services-brooklyn 10...