Linux 安装Oracle 报错PRVF-7532 问题描述:在安装Oracle过程中,检查安装环境是检查到确实包,报错如下图: 安装缺少的包,命令如下: yum install libaio 重新检查还是报错,发现已经安装了64位的,检查缺少32位的, 网上下载对应版本的安装包然后重新安装缺少的包重新检查就可以了。 ......
Problem Description: PRVF-7532 : Package "kernel-headers" is missing on node "test" - Cause: A required package is either not installed or, if the package is a kernel module, is not loaded on the specified node. - Action: Ensure that the required package is installed and available. I h...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: OL8: CLUVFY Reports PRVF-7532 : Package "compat-libcap1" is missing on node