With the release of our Original Prusa SL1 resin 3D printer, we’ve added MSLA mode into PrusaSlicer. As far as we know, PrusaSlicer is the first high-quality open-source MSLA slicer available. PrusaSlicer also supports multi-material FFF printing with the Original Prusa MMU2S. ...
share/icons/hicolor/192x192/apps/prusa-slicer.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/PrusaSlicer-gcodeviewer.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/PrusaSlicer.png /usr/share/man/man1/prusa-gcodeviewer.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/prusa-slicer.1.gz /usr/share/mime/packages/prusa-slicer....
With the release of our Original Prusa SL1 resin 3D printer, we’ve added MSLA mode into PrusaSlicer. As far as we know, PrusaSlicer is the first high-quality open-source MSLA slicer available. PrusaSlicer also supports multi-material FFF printing with the Original Prusa MMU2S. ...
As is evident from this long article, PrusaSlicer grows more powerful every day. Offering many unique features not found in other slicers. The downside of adding new features is the ever-increasing complexity of the program. To streamline everyday slicing, many features are accessible through hot...
If you're running Klipper, it's recommended to add the following configuration to your printer.cfg file.# Enable object exclusion [exclude_object] # Enable arcs support [gcode_arcs] resolution: 0.1 SupportsOrca Slicer is an open-source project, and I'm deeply grateful to all my sponsors ...
The new text tool in Prusa Slicer 2.6 will make it easy for end users to modify your designs for any occasion. While we would love to see classic designs for trophies, plaques, and other types of awards, feel free to use some imagination to create a unique design (FIFA and the Super ...
mresmana year ago Hey here's a suggestion. How about making it possible to stop prusa slicer from running off and reslicing the model and generating supports that are not displayed when I am painting on the supports. It considers a reslice is of overpowering importance when I just painted ...
The slicer now includes an improved algorithm for overhang speed slowdown and avoiding curled filament. A new and tuned estimation method is applied for the curled height of the filament. The estimated curling now affects the slowdown of overhang speed on external perimeters and also on internal on...
If you're running Klipper, it's recommended to add the following configuration to yourprinter.cfgfile. # Enable object exclusion [exclude_object] # Enable arcs support [gcode_arcs] resolution: 0.1 Supports Orca Sliceris an open-source project, and I'm deeply grateful to all my sponsors and...
This is the strategy that most modern slicers use. You can switch to the old behavior by enabling the Thick Bridges option. Since the first solid layer above supports uses the bridging settings, this change also has a big impact on how supported overhangs look.Left: Thick bridges enabled, ...