Re: New firmware 3.0.11- MK2S/MK2 Hi Jeff, to compare different versions of FW please visit our GitHub and read the changelog: What do you mean by similarities? Assembly manuals / Knowledge Base The guy behind Prusa assembly ...
不可否认,Prusa i3 MK2S是最受欢迎的3D打印机之一,并且当3D Hubs在其最新的“3D打印机指南”中将其命名为2018年的最佳主力3D打印机时,这种普及得到了重申。对于即将推出的i3 MK3,我们有理由相信其将会成为众人瞩目的焦点,但Prusa并不忽视MK2S,其引入了新的固件升级和改进。根据Prusa创始人Josef Prusa宣称,新的3....
Lo**el 上传238.5 KB 文件格式 zip original_prusa_i3_mk2和prusa_i3_mk2可以翻译为中文为"原版普鲁萨i3 Mk2"。我经常会更改松紧轮的压力,所以我设计了滚动轮来避免使用内六角扳手。这对我来说更快捷。你需要ISO4017 M3x40六角螺栓,而不是ISO4762 M3x40螺丝。不错的3d模型库素材,仅展示其中一张素材,下载...
我有一个Prusa i3 MK2套件(2017年2月发货),后来升级为Mk2S(2017年10月),然后是Mk2.5(2018年4月)。根据床平整搜索模式,这台打印机的垂直框架似乎总是在Y轴螺杆上向后移动几毫米。这导致了偶尔的XYZ校准失败问题。 其他遇到这个问题的人提出的一个解决方案是从Y框架的后右角取下电源供应单元(PSU),使垂直框架...
Hi, I am patiently awaiting the arrival of my mk2s (hopefully in about a week and 2). Having researched the build process i have noticed a few peopl...
(1/4)实际使用俯视图 (2/4)模型 (3/4)侧视图 (4/4)实际使用效果 模型描述 上传成品 (上传第一个成品有奖励哦~) Prusa_MK3s_MK3_MK2s_M10等3D打印机的Z轴顶端,用来固定丝杠、光轴的 ,还带一个耗材固定器 附件预览 缩略图名称格式大小(KB) ...
This repository contains SCAD files and STLs of the printed parts. Links Prusa Research website : Product page: Build manual: ...
💡 If you have a Full Bear Frame Upgrade 2.0 MK2S or MK2.5 frame you can find compatible parts in the optional parts section below.⚠️ The new Y and Z axis are not compatible with any of the existing Prusa or Bear 2.0 parts. You have to update all parts from Bear 2.1....
1. Introduction, 2. MMU1 disassembly, 3. Upgrading to MK2/S and MK2.5S, 4. Upgrading to MMU2S, Manual changelog MMU1-MMU2S
:Funssor Prusa i3 MK2/MK2S/MK3 3d printer X/Z axis Trapezoidal nut lead Screw Nuts For DIY Reprap Prusa i3 MK3 3D printer PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ 1: Choose from the brand of funssor for our product.Our product belongs to mechanical kit/hardware parts. REASONS TO BUY:✨ Screw nuts: ...