1. Wikipedia上的Pruning (decision trees)和Random Froest algorithm。 2. Dataaspirant上的《HOW THE RANDOM FOREST ALGORITHM WORKS IN MACHINE LEARNING》 3. medium上的《How Random Forest Algorithm Works in Machine Learning》 同时推荐读者去阅读《The Random Forest Algorithm》,因为这篇文章讲解了在scikit-l...
1. Wikipedia上的Pruning (decision trees)和Random Froest algorithm。 2. Dataaspirant上的《HOW THE RANDOM FOREST ALGORITHM WORKS IN MACHINE LEARNING》 3. medium上的《How Random Forest Algorithm Works in Machine Learning》 同时推荐读者去阅读《The Random Forest Algorithm》,因为这篇文章讲解了在scikit-l...
Pruning Decision Trees and Lists Machine learning algorithms are techniques that automatically build models describing the structure at the heart of a set of data. Ideally, such models can be used to predict properties of future data points and people can use them to an... E Frank 被引量: ...
Quinlan J R (1992) Learning with continues classes. In: 5th Australian joint conference on artificial intelligence Quinlan JR (1987) Simplifying decision trees. Int J Man Mach Stud 27(3):221–234 ArticleGoogle Scholar Esposito F, Malerba D, Semeraro G et al (1997) A comparative analysis of...
Nowadays, a number of machine learning prediction methods are being applied in the field of landslide susceptibility modeling of the large area especially in the difficult hilly terrain. In the present study, hybrid machine learning approaches of Reduced Error Pruning Trees (REPT) and different ...
英文:The gardener regularly performs pruning on the trees to maintain their aesthetic appeal. 中文:在机器学习中,剪枝是一种减少过拟合的技术。 英文:In machine learning, pruning is a technique used to reduce overfitting. 中文:果农通过修剪树枝来提高果实的产量和质量。 英文:Fruit farmers improve fruit ...
When all of the trees are constructed, they are grouped into the forest. The C-fuzzy random forest creation is performed according to Algorithm 3. Algorithm 3 C-fuzzy random forest learning Input: X—training dataset T —number of trees in the forest Tsize—number of trees among which the...
Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using Reduced Error Pruning Trees and Different Ensemble Techniques: Hybrid Machine Learning Approaches In the present study, hybrid machine learning approaches of Reduced Error Pruning Trees (REPT) and different ensemble techniques were used for the ... BT Pham,I Prakas...
The experimental results are verified by using benchmark datasets from UCI machine learning repository. The results indicate that our new tree pruning method is a feasible way of pruning decision trees.Ali Mirza MahmoodKapavarapu PavaniVenu Gopal Kavuluru...
Decision trees and lists are potentially powerful predictors and embody an explic- it representation of the structure in a dataset. Their accuracy and comprehensibility depends on how concisely the learning algorithm can summarize this structure. The ...