If you let a plant, shrub or tree get overgrown, it can be a huge task to fix the problem, but if you prune regularly, you will be able to keep your yard and plants under control. A good example of why to prune are these two butterfly bushes. One was pruned very early this year...
Hydrangeas and butterfly bushes fall into this category. Evergreen shrubs can be pruned in spring, once new growth starts. This includes boxwoods and holly. General guidelines: Avoid pruning in fall, especially in colder climates, as this can stimulate growth that might not harden off before ...
The giant of the family, southern magnolias (M. grandiflora), are evergreen trees with large, leathery leaves found throughout the American South and grow to gigantic proportions, often reaching 60 to 80 feet tall. Leaves can be epically sized as well, and on larger trees, can be a foot...
If an overgrown shrub requires a hard pruning (shearing), do it in early spring or after the bloom period. Types Viburnum dentatum(akaarrowwood): scentless white lacecap flower clusters; blue-black berries; 6- to 10- (or up to 15) feet high and wide mounded form; fall leaf colors of ...
Even though this perennial is short lived, in early spring, it’s one of the few that bloom really early. I love the evergreen look of it during the summer, so it’s a must have in my garden. How about you?