然后重点来了, 我们要开始做prune了, 在pytorch里面操作也很简单, 只需要一行代码: import torch.nn.utils.prune as prune prune.random_unstructured(module, name='weight', amount=0.3) 这个可以从众多的剪枝方法中, 选择一个很好的手段来完成同样的目的. 然后我们再打印一下named_parameters: [('b...
prune.ln_structured(module, name="weight", amount=0.5, n=2, dim=0) 这时候hook就会变成torch.nn.utils.prune.PruningContainer的类型,将会存储应用在weights参数上的所有prune操作。 for hook in module._forward_pre_hooks.values(): if hook._tensor_name== "weight": break print(list(hook)) 序列化...
例子:(在除了/mnt之外到所有文件夹中查找*fileutils*命名的文件: find / -path '/mnt' -prune -o -name '*fileutil*' 这段话相当于: for each file under "/" and not under '/mnt' { if file.name conforms to '*fileutil*' print file.name; } 试了半天正则表达式,功底太差没有成功:( 现在...
prune_utils import * import argparse import torchvision from utils.model_transfer import copy_weight_v6,copy_weight_v6x import val from utils.model_transfer import copy_weight_v6,copy_weight_v6x,copy_weight_v6_reverse,copy_weight_v6x_reverse if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse....
from utils.prune_utils import * import os class opt(): model_def = "cfg/yolov3-hand.cfg" data_config = "cfg/oxfordhand.data" model = 'weights/last.pt' #指定GPU #torch.cuda.set_device(2) percent = 0.5 device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else...
例子:(在除了/mnt之外到所有文件夹中查找*fileutils*命名的文件: find / -path '/mnt' -prune -o -name '*fileutil*' 这段话相当于: for each file under "/" and not under '/mnt' { if file.name conforms to '*fileutil*' print file.name; ...
self.domain.soa.schedule_rebuild()ifdb_domain:fromcyder.cydns.utilsimportprune_treeprune_tree(db_domain) 开发者ID:alecdhuse,项目名称:cyder,代码行数:25,代码来源:models.py 示例4: test_basic_add_remove2 ▲点赞 1▼ deftest_basic_add_remove2(self):# Make sure that if a domain is set to...
-1 find 我的GNU findutils (FSF 2015) 说:-prune True; if the file is a directory, do not descend into it. If -depth is given, false; no effect. Because -delete implies -depth, you cannot usefully use -prune and -delete together. Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 和Posix:...
from utils.loss_utils import l1_loss, ssim from lpipsPyTorch import lpips from gaussian_renderer import render, network_gui, count_render import sys from scene import Scene, GaussianModel from utils.general_utils import safe_state import uuid from tqdm import tqdm from utils.image_uti...
7 <environment: package:utils> "package:utils" 8 <environment: package:datasets> "package:datasets" 9 <environment: package:methods> "package:methods" 10 <environment: 0x0000000008224e38> "Autoloads" 11 <environment: base> "" 12 <environment: R_EmptyEnv> "" ...