同是les paul琴体,但是总感觉两个都比epi看着舒服点,还有这两把琴对比epi自家预言和1960如何?? 贴吧用户_015b25V 鸭梨山大 11 喜欢传统g就1960 GUITAR圣彼得 路人甲君 4 音色取向不同,价格、外观也不一样。玩重的就ltd或epiphone预言;rps和1960比较万金油,不过就像上楼兄说的,1960音色更传统一些,相比rps更...
首先,PRS SE245的弦长是24.5英寸,品格间距特别窄,按起来超级轻松,特别适合手小的小伙伴们。高把位的背面连接处弧角设计,让你的手指更容易到达,不像传统LP那样硌得慌。 再说说背面的斜坡设计,这可是经过精心设计的,完全符合人体工学,不像传统LP那样只是硬邦邦的平板,硌得你肋骨和肚子都疼。音量旋钮的位置也特别顺...
PRS SE 245 Standard电吉他吉他树琴行信封树乐器 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 368 0 00:31 App 小乐使用PRS custom24弹奏《心做し》 间奏 138 0 04:57 App PRS SE Schizoid签名版电吉他 715 0 16:02 App 右手之王John Browne试用年度offset琴型PJD St John Apprentice Standard ...
Concluding this review, I can easily say that this guitar's build quality and playability is superb. It is one of the best guitars I have bought for the money, so I say to you viewer, buy one while you can.sucrus2014 Show more 18. Used Prs Se Singlecut Electric Guitar Black Shop ...
With a voice that is classic, eminently recordable and gig ready, the SE 245 is perfect for traditional single-cutaway players. The 24.5" scale length makes this instrument instantly comfortable to players who grew up using short scale guitars. Volume and tone controls for each pickup, a 3-...
245比较像是一把les paul,桃花芯的琴体加枫木的贴面及贴皮,有效弦长是24.5的短弦长,是一把比较...
This is a review on the guitar and not the supplier. They say a good guitar isn't necessary how it looks. I also read a lot about "a PRS sounds somewhere between a Les Paul and a Strat." For some reason people hold these sounds as the "gold standard" for musical guitar tone. ...
红色款可能有枫木贴面也可能只有贴皮 不确定)典型的金属琴配置,弦长应该是prs常用的25英寸,和245可以...
卖自用豪华改装的韩产PRS SE245。整体九成新,琴头有小磕碰,品丝近全新。更换了Tom Anderson H3、H1+拾音器,原声甜美失真肥厚,动态极佳。更换了美产TonePros琴桥,解决了调八度音的问题。全仓做了屏蔽处理,更换CTS电位器,安装了大黄蜂油浸电容和陶瓷电容并加装了补偿电容。原装所有配件和包都在。 ...
sandblasted white, limited edition $ 699 .00 1 review back to navigation superb prs singlecut with soapbars this article was written by our product research team get to know them! the prs se 245 soapbar solidbody electric guitar packs stunning looks, playability, and amazing tone into a ...