vsFNL -获胜 8月 前 Vibe vsFNL -失败 8月 前 Strife vsFNL -获胜 8月 前 Strife vsFNL -获胜 8月 前 Strife vsFNL Prs 所属战队 战队全部游戏日期 FNL5六月 2024 Last 25 matches guns favoriteshotsprecision 常用游戏昵称: Prs zh 17:16SGT...
Botanic Gardens Rangers with six wins from nine matches have put up a good show in the league stage of this league and all their players will be eager to continue their good form in this exhibition match as well. BGR Playing 11 (Expected) : H Shal...
Backport Labels: If this fix needs to be backported, use the appropriate backport/ label that matches the desired release branch. Note that in the CE repo, the latest release branch will look like backport/x.x.x, but older release branches will be backport/ent/x.x.x+ent. LTS: If thi...
Tested withPRinfork: It uses anaction that simply matches text in PR diff(supports regex). BTW, it fails in this very PR because it contains the text 😆 Contribution Guidelines To sign and title your commits, please refer toSubmitting Patches to Ceph. If you are submitting a fix for a ...
峰值回流温度(摄氏度): 260 座面最大高度: 13.2 mm 表面贴装: NO 技术: HYBRID 端子面层: MATTE TIN OVER NICKEL 端子形式: PIN/PEG 端子位置: DUAL 处于峰值回流温度下的最长时间: 10 最大总功率输出: 82.5 W 微调/可调输出: YES 宽度: 37.3 mm Base Number Matches: 1PQ...
处于峰值回流温度下的最长时间: 10 微调/可调输出: YES 宽度: 7.32 mm Base Number Matches: 1NQ16W50HMA16PRS-G 数据手册通过下载NQ16W50HMA16PRS-G数据手册来全面了解它。这个PDF文档包含了所有必要的细节,如产品概述、功能特性、引脚定义、引脚排列图等信息。 PDF下载 Technical...
expectedDataIDtocalculatetheCRC.IfCRCmatches,itmeansthattheDataID usedbythesenderandexpectedDataIDusedbythereceiverarethesame. CRCcalculation E2EProfile1usesCRC-8-SAEJ1850,butusingdifferentstartandXORvalues.This checksumisalreadyprovidedbyAUTOSARCRCSupervision,whichtypicallyisquite efficientandmayusehardwaresuppor...
14.12.2024 Lorient Paris FC 2 0L 08.12.2024 AC Ajaccio Paris FC 0 2WShow more matches Transfers Date Player From / To Fee 03.02.2025 Kore Yoan Clermont Loan 03.02.2025 Cafaro Mathieu St Etienne Transfer 02.02.2025 Soumahoro Aboubaka Hamburger SV €3.0m Transfer 02.02.2025 Gaudin Jules Caen...
lxxs_kk 2024年1月15日 .k psyleo_xXx 2023年11月17日 1 太好了这首 更多精彩评论 和这首歌相似的歌曲 easiergone easiergone - mixed matches PAYBACK! PAYBACK! - kuudere / ghostboiguizy Passionfruit EP2 - Yaeji / Drake This is the last time I write to you Goodbye 1989 - V4MPSVLT Impu...
Population 1 IDs of individuals to use for LD estimation, matches on 2nd column, i.e. IID (required) --pop2_test_data. As above for population 2 (required) --pop2_valid_data. As above for population 2 (optional) --pop2_ld_bfile. As above for population 2 (required) --pop2_ld...