Challenge with a virulent heterologous NADC30-like SD17-38 isolate showed that even though both immunized groups presented lower viremia, faster virus elimination, less fever and alleviated lung gross lesions when compared with the only challenged pigs, rJS-ORF2-4-CON and rJS-ORF5-6-CON could ...
的NADC30-like SD17-38野毒株(毒株为本实验室分离保存,GeenBank登录号为MK689101)进行攻毒。攻毒方式为鼻腔滴鼻。 2、猪体病毒血症、体温及体重监测 按照图6所示时间点采集猪血清,并以qRT-PCR检测病毒含量。具体将血清采集到促凝血管中,在37℃放置30min以促进血液凝结。然后,进行4000rpm 30min离心。取200μL...
本研究选取断奶仔猪(4周龄)为实验对象,共分为三组,免疫攻毒组(TJM-F92+SD17-38),直接攻毒组(SD17-38 challenge),对照组(Mock infection),实验猪共15头;实验使用的疫苗为商品化的PRRSV疫苗(TJM-F92株);实验使用的攻毒毒株为SD17-38株(NADC30样PRRSV);对实验组猪只的临床状态(体温、体重、临床表现)、肺...
the similarity of amino acids was 86.6%-93% and 91.9%-97.6%.The nucleotide similarities of ORF5 and ORF7 of PRRSV HNHK3-2021 strain and JN654459 NADC30, KP860909 FJZ03, MH068878 SD17-38, AY881994 FJ-1 were found to be 85.4%-87.1% and 89%-91.4%.The...
[17]. Nevertheless, there is no information regarding the mechanism by which bioactive compound molecules interact with CS to improve the immunity of pigs. The molecular responses of porcine immune cells to viral infection and potential therapeutic interventions are the subject of a critical ...