It says that the Ontario government raised the challenges with the PRPP design in its recent budget such as the voluntary employer contributions.MEREDITHTYLEREBSCO_bspBenefits Canada
@MRED – Limits on retirement savings contributions are pretty universal, in Canada and elsewhere. Nothing new there. Contributions limits are irrelevant to the issue of Canadians with inadequate pensions. Canadians who contribute the limit won’t have any retirement issues. It’s the people who...
theiremployeesareautomaticallyenrolled– butemployeescanstilloptout. Membersareabletochoosehowtheirsavingsareinvestedbasedontheir toleranceforriskandotherfactors. Likeotherpensionplans,fundsarelockedinbutmaybeaccessedundercertain circumstances,suchasfinancialhardship. Employeesmaytemporarilysuspendtheircontributionstohelp...