超过 3 * mysql-monitor_ping_interval 毫秒的活动连接将自动被清除。 七、wait_timeout 为防止后端自行终止连接,Monitor模块自动配置了 wait_timeout = mysql-monitor_ping_interval * 10 完毕!
也就是说RUNTIME这个顶级层,是proxysql运行过程中实际使用的那一份配置,这一份配置会直接影响到生产环境的,所以要将配置加载进RUNTIME层时需要三思而行。 -MEMORY层 是平时在mysql命令行修改的 main 里头配置,可以认为是SQLite数据库在内存的镜像。该层级的配置在main库中以mysql_开头的表以及global_variables表,这些...
如果这次连接超时,根据其它参数的设置,ProxySQL将会重新尝试建立连接,直到达到了最大重连次数而每秒生成报错信息(此时ProxySQL会自动避开后端MySQL,即不再连接,但会不断报错),或者达到了连接的最终截止时间(见mysql-connect_timeout_server_max)而报另一种错误。 mysql-connect_timeout_server mysql-connect_timeout_serv...
简单说就是配置proxysql分为三个级别,RUNTIME是即时生效的,MEMORY是保存在内存中但并不立即生效的,DISK|CONFIG FILE是持久化或写在配置文件中的。 这三个级别的配置文件互不干扰,在某个层级修改了配置文件,想要加载或保存到另一个层级,需要额外的LOAD或SAVE操作:"LOAD xx_config FROM xx_level | LOAD xx_config...
2INSERTINTOmysql_query_rules (active,match_digest,OK_msg)VALUES('1','^SET @@wait_timeout = ?',''); 转载请注明出处:https://www.cnblogs.com/f-ck-need-u/p/9372447.html 如果觉得文章不错,不妨给个打赏,写作不易,各位的支持,能激发和鼓励我更大的写作热情。谢谢!
=FAST_FORWARD) { if (mypolls.fds[n].revents) { // this part of the code fixes an important bug // if a connection in use but idle (ex: running a transaction) // get data, immediately destroy the session // // this can happen, for example, with a low wait_timeout and running...
=FAST_FORWARD){if(mypolls.fds[n].revents){// this part of the code fixes an important bug// if a connection in use but idle (ex: running a transaction)// get data, immediately destroy the session/// this can happen, for example, with a low wait_timeout and running transactionif(...
=FAST_FORWARD){if(mypolls.fds[n].revents){// this part of the code fixes an important bug// if a connection in use but idle (ex: running a transaction)// get data, immediately destroy the session/// this can happen, for example, with a low wait_timeout and running transactionif(...
| mysql-monitor_query_timeout | 100 | | mysql-monitor_slave_lag_when_null | 60 | | mysql-monitor_wait_timeout | true | | mysql-monitor_writer_is_also_reader | true | | mysql-monitor_history | 600000 | | mysql-monitor_connect_interval | 2000 | ...