Linux安装Clash – 代理 – VPN 修改配置文件 配置文件在:/etc/proxychains.conf 这是完整的有效配置文件(默认的配置文件只需要修改本教程下文的最后3项配置即可),最后一行ProxyList,指定的是VPN的端口。我的是端口是7890。按需修改哦 代码语言:javascript 复制 strict_chain proxy_dns remote_dns_subnet 224 # Some...
Simple Mac Address Changer For Linux In python pythonlinuxmacchangerkalilinuxproxychainmacproxychain UpdatedSep 8, 2022 Python KIRAN-KUMAR-K3/SOCKER Star2 Code Issues Pull requests Explore SOCKER, a lightweight and efficient tool for verifying SOCKS proxies. With a user-friendly interface, it simpli...
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void main() { unsigned long input_IP; unsigned...