1. rancher nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size的作用 在Kubernetes集群中,Nginx Ingress Controller通常用于将外部的HTTP请求转发到合适的后端服务上。当客户端向Nginx Ingress Controller发送包含请求体的请求时,请求体的大小可能会对服务器的性能和资源消耗产生不利影响。为了避免这种情况,可以使用rancher nginx...
以下是示例代码: #获取Nginx Ingress Controller的Pod名称kubectl get pods -l app=my-ingress-controller -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}'#进入Podkubectl exec -it<pod-name>-- /bin/bash#修改Nginx配置文件sed -i 's/proxy_body_size [0-9]*m/proxy_body_size 100m/g' /etc/nginx/nginx....
What happened: The ingress nginx has a proxy-body-size default value set to "1m". That causes errors if you are uploading a big file through nginx. What you expected to happen: I expected the value to be set to "0". In that way, it won't fail. I know there's an annotation to...
No? You can remove limits setting the value to "0". http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#client_max_body_size Member aledbf commented Mar 9, 2020 @saiharshitachava the ingress controller is just a helper to configure NGINX. The limitations we have are the same NGIN...
怎么配置 nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size?小南瓜子 2024-08-07 15:18:31 47 0 发布于辽宁 举报0 条回答 写回答 问答分类: 容器服务Kubernetes版 问答标签: 配置io 配置Nginx 配置容器服务Kubernetes版 问答地址:开发者社区 > 云计算 > 问答 ...
client_body_buffer_size 处理客户端请求体buffer大小。用来处理POST提交数据,上传文件等。client_body_buffer_size 需要足够大以容纳如果需要上传POST数据。 proxy_buffers 处理后端响应,一般是代理服务器请求后端服务的response。如果这个buffer不够大,会引起磁盘IO,response的body内容会先写入临时目录中。
This general scaling relationship between body size and animal charisma supports large-bodied species to have disproportionate importance for conservation due to their high appeal on people. These findings suggest that body size can be used as a proxy for the charisma of species at broad spatial ...
通过设置client_max_body_size,可以限制客户端上传文件的大小,从而保护服务器资源。 4. proxy_pass http://r 指令的功能及配置中可能存在的问题 proxy_pass http://r; 指令用于将接收到的请求转发到另一个服务器(通常称为后端服务器或上游服务器)。然而,在这个例子中,http://r 并不是一个有效的URL,因为它...
获取或设置要检索的正文的最大大小。 属性MaximumBodySize适用于面向 Exchange Online 和从 2013 Exchange Server 开始的 Exchange 版本的客户端。
Earthquake Report: M 4.9 Barstow, California Earthquake Report: M 7.4 Chile/Bolivia