ProxyTimeout指令 此指令允许用户指定代理请求的超时。当您有一个挂起的缓慢/错误的appserver时,这是非常有用的,您希望只返回一个超时并优雅地失败,而不是等待服务器返回所需的时间。 默认值是Timeout指令的值,而该指令的默认值为300秒。所以,尝试一下ProxyTimeout,看看它是否有帮助。 请记住,Tomcat也可能有自己...
I thought the default request timeout was 30 sec for the HTTP service. The only thing I can find with a default timeout of 120 is the threadpool. You could try increasing that, but it's probably recommended that you figure out why the request is taking so long to execute. 2 1/2 m...
is not something special to your installment but an issue one or the other did already stumble across. Along with this, the thread in my opinion provides a few hints on proxy configuration parameters I'd play with, like "ping", "ttl", maybe also "timeout" considering the error... [.....
[error] (104)Connection reset by peer: ajp_ilink_receive() can't receive header [error] ajp_handle_cping_cpong: ajp_ilink_receive failed We are frequently receiving the below error on our apache webservers. Raw [error] (70007)The timeout specified has expired: ajp_cping_cpong: apr_so...
syntax:ajp_connect_timeout time; default:ajp_connect_timeout 60s; context:http, server, location This directive assigns a timeout for the connection to the upstream server. It is necessary to keep in mind that this time out cannot be more than 75 seconds. ...
Examplelogs/catalina.outfor tomcat startup: Home Clean Install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on ZFS mirror as root filesystem HelloWorld from Java jsp with OpenJDK 11 packaged Maven war and deploy on Tomcat 9 How to change timezone on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ...
ProxyPassMatch ajp:// timeout=3000 retry=5 <IfModule deflate_module> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript text/css text/html text/xml text/json application/xml application/json application/x-yaml </IfModule> </LocationMatch>x ...
CancelDelete Comments No comments Let's comment your feelings that are more than good LoginSign Up Qiita Conference 2024 Autumn will be held!: 11/14(Thu) - 11/15(Fri) Qiita Conference is the largest tech conference in Qiita! Keynote Speaker ...
- if (worker->ping_timeout_set) { - status = ajp_handle_cping_cpong(backend->sock, r, - worker->ping_timeout); - if (status != APR_SUCCESS) { - backend->close++; - ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, status, r->server, ...