Connection Timeout You can specify the number of seconds the server waits for data to arrive from the client before closing the connection by using theAcceptTimeoutparameter in themagnus.conffile. If data does not arrive before the timeout expires, the connection is closed. This parameter is ...
In this case, I expect an HTTP connection timeout instead of an immediate connection reset by the proxy. # wget --timeout=1 Connecting to ( wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer As you can see above, the ...
and my suggestion of increasing the Apache KeepaliveTimeout is simply aimed at keeping a TCP connection state on the server for longer, specifically because delivery of some of your client content is dependent on the performance (and hence latency) of your back-end proxy servers. ...
proxy timeout; closing connectionDanielle Noel
out utf-8, error utf-8, screen utf-8 [debug] yt-dlp version stable@2024.12.13 from yt-dlp/yt-dlp [542166962] (pip) API [debug] params: {'proxy': 'socks5://', 'format': 'worst', 'outtmpl': '1aA1WGON49E.%(ext)s', 'socket_timeout': 120, 'verbose': ...
requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='www.xxxx.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', timeout('_ssl.c:1108: The handshake operation timed out'))) 根据我的经验,看到后面的Max retries exceeded with...之类的我...
类名称:HttpProxyServer 方法名:setIdleConnectionTimeout HttpProxyServer.setIdleConnectionTimeout介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: JZ-Darkal/AndroidHttpCapture /** * The LittleProxy implementation only allows idle connection timeouts to be specified in seconds. idleConnectionTimeouts greater than ...
After the fix for https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CWD-5678 a remote Crowd directory still does not timeout by default when using SSL tunnel via forward proxy unless a Connection Timeout is explicitly configured. Requests that do not timeout (have infinite timeout): HTTP CONNECT request from...