最后,你需要修改Nginx Ingress Controller的配置,以使之生效。以下是示例代码: #获取Nginx Ingress Controller的Pod名称kubectl get pods -l app=my-ingress-controller -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}'#进入Podkubectl exec -it<pod-name>-- /bin/bash#修改Nginx配置文件sed -i 's/proxy_body_size ...
3. rancher nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size注解的流程图 下面是使用rancher nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size注解的流程图: 是否客户端发送带请求体的请求Nginx Ingress Controller接收请求检查请求体大小是否超出限制返回413 Request Entity Too Large响应Nginx Ingress Controller转发请求给后端服...
9 阿里云LNAMP(Linux + Nginx + Apache + MySQL + PHP)环境一键安装脚本 329830 10 OSS存储服务-客户端工具 321680 11 为体验实验室取一个新名字。 307531 12 企业邮箱发送邮件时,若出现投递失败产生退信,内容提示包含如下: the mta server of * reply:550 failed to meet SPF requirements 或者 the mta...
Say my app has like 1G or 2G of file..Can nginx take that load of files.. Yes, it can handle that. Is it good practice at the performance level of nginx..Wont it crash or something? It will consume more resources, that's it, nginx is prepared for that. For instance, you can e...
What happened: The ingress nginx has a proxy-body-size default value set to "1m". That causes errors if you are uploading a big file through nginx. What you expected to happen: I expected the value to be set to "0". In that way, it won't fail. I know there's an annotation to...
因此,这个location块中的指令会应用于所有进入Nginx服务器的HTTP请求(除非有更具体的location块匹配到了请求的URL)。 3. client_max_body_size 1000m; 配置项的意义及其应用场景 client_max_body_size 1000m; 指令用于限制客户端请求体的大小。在这个例子中,1000m 表示客户端请求的最大体积为1000兆字节(即1GB)...
处理客户端请求体buffer大小。用来处理POST提交数据,上传文件等。client_body_buffer_size 需要足够大以容纳如果需要上传POST数据。 proxy_buffers 处理后端响应,一般是代理服务器请求后端服务的response。如果这个buffer不够大,会引起磁盘IO,response的body内容会先写入临时目录中。
修改nginx.conf,在http段中加如下面2行: http{...proxy_headers_hash_max_size51200;proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size6400;...} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. nginx -t 可以发现问题已经解决了。 重启nginx(service nginx restart)即可。
I got wierd problem. Running nginx container behind nginx-proxy. Wordpress inside. I have set client_max_body_size nginx container (http, server, location sections), i have set it in http sections of nginx-proxy in nginx.conf, i also have it in vhost.d/default. I have set correspnding...
I also need to edit the nginx.conf and add client_max_body_size 0 to prevent a timeout while uploading a lot of data at once Seems like the nginx.conf is not part of the mountable /conf folder. Is there any way to edit the nginx.conf via SSH opening a bash in the container?