import requests from requests.auth import HTTPProxyAuth import base64 url = '' user = 'username' password = 'password' proxy1 = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(user, password) # not working proxy2 = '' # not working pro...
'requests': {'proxies': {'http': 'http://proxy.server:3128'}} }, }) But still have : ccxt.base.errors.NetworkError: kucoinfutures GET NB I have no issue to pay 5 dollars a month to have it working fine and help the servic...
public String httpsProxy() Get the httpsProxy property: The HTTPS proxy server endpoint to use. Returns: the httpsProxy value.noProxy public List noProxy() Get the noProxy property: The endpoints that should not go through proxy. Returns: the noProxy
settings specified. If no proxy is specified in a config file and theProxyproperty is unspecified, theHttpWebRequestclass uses the proxy settings inherited from Internet options on the local computer. If there are no proxy settings in Internet options, the request is sent directly to the server...
To bypass more complex addresses, you can set up exceptions for specific addresses or wildcards. If you are configuring settings by using the Customization wizard, enter the addresses into theDo not use proxy server for addresses beginning withcheck box in the Exceptions area of the Proxy Setting...
ManagedServerCreateMode ManagementOperationState MaxSizeCapability MaxSizeUnits MetricAvailability MetricName MetricValue Name OperationDisplay OperationImpact OperationOrigin PartnerInfo PartnerRegionInfo PerformanceLevelUnit PrimaryAggregationType ProvisioningState ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy ReadScale ReadWriteEndpointFai...
In Directory Proxy Server, referral hop limit does not work. 6447554 Directory Proxy Server fails to rename an entry moving to another data view when numeric or lexicographic data distribution is configured. 6458935 When working with join data views, Directory Proxy Server does not take data distri...
When working with join data views, Directory Proxy Server does not take data distribution algorithms in the views that make up the join. To work around this issue, configure data distribution at the level of the join data view when using joins and data distribution together. ...
Current Behavior I am using conda behind a firewall. The repositories have been whitelisted and proxy server access is authorized for my desktop. I have used this configuration successfully for a long time with conda 4.3. In helping a ne...
When the Enable box is cleared, users are logged into the proxy server anonymously. This means that any user on the network can access the proxy server. Leaving the permissions disabled is useful in situations where users are all trusted not to abuse the service. Allowing the service to ...