Download address: cd /root/proxy/ wget 2.Download the automatic installation script cd /root/proxy/ wget
#Upper proxy server IP address:Proxy_server_ip=路由器Running port for proxy listening:Proxy_local_port=33080#The following does not need to be modified#create a new chain named PROXYIptables -t nat -N PROXY#Ignore your PROXY server's addresses#It's very IMPORTANT, just be careful....
Address Gets or sets the address of the proxy server. BypassArrayList Gets a list of addresses that do not use the proxy server. BypassList Gets or sets an array of addresses that do not use the proxy server. BypassProxyOnLocal Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to bypass the ...
If the lookup resolves in DNS, an HTTP request is then made to the Internet Protocol (IP) address for wpad.dat. This request becomes the proxy configuration script in your environment. The connector uses this script to select an outbound proxy server. However, connector traffic...
回显如下所示,记录virtual_ipaddress中的IP地址。 ! Configuration File for keepalived vrrp_script chk_http_port { script "/home/elb/keepalived/script/"interval 2weight 20 } vrrp_instance VI_1 { state BACKUP nopreempt interface eth0 virtual_router_id 162 priority 100 advert_int ...
IPAddress IPEndPoint IPHostEntry IPNetwork IWebProxy IWebProxyScript IWebRequestCreate NetworkCredential OpenReadCompletedEventArgs OpenReadCompletedEventHandler OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler ProtocolViolationException SecurityProtocolType
IntegrationRuntimeCustomSetupScriptProperties IntegrationRuntimeCustomerVirtualNetwork IntegrationRuntimeDataFlowProperties IntegrationRuntimeDataFlowPropertiesCustomPropertiesItem IntegrationRuntimeDataProxyProperties IntegrationRuntimeDebugResource IntegrationRuntimeEdition IntegrationRuntimeEntityReferenceType Integrat...
If the lookup resolves in DNS, an HTTP request is then made to the Internet Protocol (IP) address for wpad.dat. This request becomes the proxy configuration script in your environment. The connector uses this script to select an outbound proxy server. However, connector traffic might...
Specify theAddressandPort. Clear theBypass proxy for local addressesoption. The OpenScript HTTP Record Preferences must be set to not restrict to the local machine. In OpenScript, open the HTTP script. SelectOpenScript Preferencesfrom theViewmenu. ...
In this scenario, “myproxy” is used for any subsequent access to a cached hostname and the automatic proxy configuration script is not re-processed. If “myproxy” is suddenly inaccessible, the following happens: The “myproxy” proxy is added to the list of bad...