Although this is not a problem specific to EMC, it is a problem preventing me from playing, and I do need help. The problem: Whenever I try to connect to a server, I connect for a split second and then get the message in the title. This happens on all the servers I have tried. ...
写在最前面的话: 今天删除了pxc数据库集群,然后重新创建了pxc集群,之后连接h1和h2时突然报错Lost connection to MySQL server at ‘reading initial communication packet', system error: 0: 解决思路: 1、查看日志 docker logs h1 2、分析日志 [WARNING]098/144528(1):ExitingMasterprocess...[WARNING]098/14453...
[admin@ocean-1 ~]$ mysql -h -uroot@sys#myobrac -P2883 -p123456 -c -A oceanbase ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at ‘reading authorization packet’, system error: 0 监控obproxy日志,此时有如下输出: 2022-04-08 11:38:06.769783,undefined,myobrac:sys:,OB...
在部署OceanBase Proxy实例时,作者遇到了无法连接OBserver集群的问题,详细过程如下:问题现象:尝试使用RPM部署OceanBase Proxy实例后,使用OBclient连接时,收到“ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at ‘reading authorization packet’, system error: 11”的报错信息。OceanBase简介:作...
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at ‘reading initial communication packet’, system error: 0 proxy-protocol.networks:配置了HAproxy的IP。我是咖啡哥 2023 年6 月 12 日 02:43 12 haproxy版本: haproxy -v HAProxy version 2.6.2-16a3646 2022/07/22 -
左连接查询:以左表为主表,右表为从表,查询符合条件的数据 1.当右表中数据匹配不到时展示为空 ...
登录后执行show tables 报错如下:Lost connection to MySQL server during queryRaigorJiang 2021 年12 月 11 日 07:49 #2 你好,请从 Proxy 日志查看具体异常信息,也可以尝试一下最新版本 5.0.0。Chance 2021 年12 月 22 日 03:10 #3 更换版本后,已经修复了问题 ...
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at ‘reading authorization packet’, system error: 11 二、介绍: 2.1 OceanBase介绍: OceanBase是企业级开源分布式 HTAP(Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing)数据库,具有原生分布式架构,支持金融级高可用、透明水平扩展、分布式事务、多租户和语法兼容等企业...
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at reading authorization packet, system error: 0 ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at reading initial communication packet, system error: 0 五、常见报错、参考文档 1、HAproxy启动报错 ...
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at ‘reading authorization packet’, system error: 11 二、介绍: 2.1 OceanBase介绍: OceanBase是企业级开源分布式 HTAP(Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing)数据库,具有原生分布式架构,支持金融级高可用、透明水平扩展、分布式事务、多租户和语法兼容等企业...