./proxy http -t tcp -p "" -T tcp -P "" -L 10 We can also specify the black and white list files of the domain name, one line for one domain name. The matching rule is the most right-hand matching, for example, baidu.com, which matches ..baidu.co...
Use local port 8090, assuming the upstream HTTP proxy is http -t tcp -p "" -T tcp -P "" We can also specify the black and white list file of the website domain name, one domain name per line, the matching rule is the rightmost ...
//Proxy instance, proxy ip = with port 8080Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("", 8080));URL url = new URL("http://www.yahoo.com");HttpURLConnection uc = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(proxy);uc.connect(); String page;StringBuffe...
at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:254) Typical Java environment variables for proxy: -Dhttp.proxyUser=test -Dhttp.proxyPassword=ping -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttps.proxyUser=test -Dhttps.proxyPassword...
www(|.example.com)(|:8080) This regular expression guarantees a match with all of the following possible combinations that the user might have typed, or the client might have sent. The port number might be omitted by some client software even when it is non-80, as the server was listenin...
proxy http -t tcp -p "" -T tcp -P "" 我们还可以指定网站域名的黑白名单文件,一行一个域名,匹配规则是最右匹配,比如:baidu.com,匹配的是*.*.baidu.com,黑名单的域名直接走上级代理,白名单的域名不走上级代理。 proxy http -p "" -T tcp -P "22.22.22...
port_range 可以是一个特定的TCP端口 也可以是一个端口范围 如 8080-9090; interfack 指定物理接口名称,仅能在linux系统上使用 其不使用接口别名 只有管理有权限指定绑定的物理接口 bind实例: #--- # listen 中定义 bind #--- listen proxy.yangyijing.cn bind *:80 mode...
HAProxy是高性能TCP(第四层)/HTTP(第七层)反向代理负载均衡服务器。(The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer) HAProxy安装部署 查看列表 $ yum list | grep haproxy yum安装 $ yum -y install haproxy 查看详细信息 $ rpm -qi haproxy ...
HTTP常见端口_8443端口 常见端口地点 HTTP服务器,默认的端口号为80/tcp(木马Executor开放此端口); HTTPS(securely transferring web pages)服务器,默认的端口号为443...管理工具,默认的端口号为9090; JBOSS,默认的端口号为8080; TOMCAT,默认的端口号为8080; WIN2003远程登陆,默认的端口号为3389; Symantec AV/Filter...
wadm>create-config --http-port=8080 --server-name=config1 --server-user=root config1 Create an instance for theconfig1configuration: wadm>create-instance --config=config1<host-name> Add the web application on the created configuration: ...