Please see below links for proxy configuration in PI: Please see below link to call the...
--> Create RFC Destination in ECC SAP_PROXY_ESR type G to connect to ESR--> Create HTTP Destination in PO ( NWA) for response. Check the page 10 here:
(in particular I suggest you to focus on the flow chart that helps you to find out what is missing in your configuration). Anyway I will list the basic configuration you need to cover this configuration task. In SM59 of your SAP system you have to create/mantain the following destinations...
第一种方法:通过执行用户区分 User_name 可以为后台用户,在abap proxy sender的程序里可以指定这个用户作为后台用户运行,这样可以实现不同的接口发送到不同的PI系统 第二种方法:通过Configure Sender/Receiver ID实现 在SAP_BASIS SP14 以上版本可用 Transaction: SXMSIF Configuration Data (Integration Engine) Note 1...
It should be /sap/xi/engine/?type=entry . See my above entry. former_member200386 Active Participant 2012 Sep 26 0 Kudos Hi Meiying, Thanks for help. Now http Destination working fine. i also done sxmb_admin part. in PI what else we need to do in PI for proxy configuration?
5.3 定义Integrated Configuration. 15 6、测试调用... 17 1、文档说明 本文档目的在于提供一个proxy2proxy场景的接口案例,用于说明proxy适配器如何使用,以及使用proxy适配器的注意事项以及最佳使用实践。 2、文档历史 3、功能说明 本案例中发送方系统为SAP系统BS_ECC_ED1_500,接收方系统也为SAP系统BS_ECC_ED1_500...
Learn more about the Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ProviderHub.Module.SetProxyConfiguration in the Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ProviderHub namespace.
Even if there is an issue with the receiver determination configuration in PI, the message will be successfully processed in case remaining part of logical routing (precisely, interface determination logic) exists and is correct for the specified receiver. Without usage of protocol, receiver ...
Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Administrator. Choose SOA Management Technical Configuration SOA Middleware Global Settings . Alternatively, you can use the quick link/nwa/middleware-settingsas follows: http://<host>:<port>/nwa/middleware-settings ...