1. 代理服务器代理 Simple... ... SMI Information Modules 管理信息结构信息模块Proxy Agents代理服务器代理SNMP Basic Components 基本组 … blog.csdn.net|基于18个网页 2. 伺服器代理 ...定义两个可能的SNMP第一版/第二版共存策略:代理伺服器代理(proxy agents)和双语网路管理系统(bilingual network-ma… ...
Node.js HTTP Proxy Agents Monorepo This monorepo contains various Node.js HTTP Agent implementations that operate over proxies using various protocols. For the most common use-cases, you should be using theproxy-agentmodule, which utilizes the other, more low-level, agent implementations. ...
Multiplexing proxy agents (MPA) are gateways that accommodate multiple client access. These gateways are sometimes known as WAP gateways when clients access using Wireless Access Protocol (WAP). Gateways establish a single authenticated channel to the origin server and "tunnel" all client requests and...
摘要: 移动agent技术是分布式人工智能和Internet相结合的产物,具有很好的应用前景,但安全问题阻碍了其广泛应用.本文提出一种基于proxy-agents的mobile agent安全模型,并就模型中的安全认证机制进行了讨论.关键词: 移动agent 安全性 安全认证 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-386X.2004.11.042 被引量: 1 ...
1、含义 Proxy:服务器代理 Agent:代理服务器 2、内在关联与区别 二者都是面向不同类别用户并处理请求,...
Adding the “*ANY" string in the monitoring server list for the third proxy agent means that this agent will serve as a failover agent if one or more proxy agents stop working. When a lookup to find the address of the proxy agent is done by a monitoring agent (if data collected at ...
Agent architecture, a blueprint for software agents and control systems Agent-based model, a computational model for simulating the actions and interactions of individuals Intelligent agent, anautonomous, goal-directed entity which observes and acts upon an environment ...
17Tags Code This branch is2 commits ahead of,170 commits behindTooTallNate/proxy-agents:main. README https-proxy-agent An HTTP(s) proxyhttp.Agentimplementation for HTTPS This module provides anhttp.Agentimplementation that connects to a specified HTTP or HTTPS proxy server, and can be used with...
摘要: 移动agent技术是分布式人工智能和Internet相结合的产物,具有很好的应用前景,但安全问题阻碍了其广泛应用.本文提出一种基于proxy-agents的mobile agent安全模型,并就模型中的安全认证机制进行了讨论. 暂无资源 收藏 引用 分享 推荐文章 一种确保移动Agent传输安全性的模型 移动Agent 安全性 数字签名 加密 一...
PROXY AGENTS IN A NETWORK 优质文献 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献Mobile Agents in a Distributed Heterogeneous Database Syste ZOLTAN LASZLO.Mobile Agents in a Distributed Heterogeneous Database System[C] //Proceedings of 10th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel,Distributed and Network-... B Goldschmidt,Z Lá...