LVM-Thin、 ZFS 摘要 在Proxmox Virtual Environment(PVE)中,存储管理涉及多种技术,包括LVM、LVM-Thin、目录和ZFS。LVM提供灵活的逻辑卷管理,支持动态调整和快照功能,适合灵活存储需求。LVM-Thin扩展了LVM的功能,支持精简配置,提高存储利用率,适合动态环境。目录存储简单易用,适合小型和测试环境,但缺乏高级功能。ZFS是...
PVE 安装后默认将 60G 的 SSD 分为了 14G 和 26G 的两个分区,其中 25G 为 LVM Thin,用于ISO镜像存储的分区为 14G,明显不够用,传一个 WInServer2016 的镜像就会占用 5G+。虽说 26G 也不是很大,但总比 14G 强。下面的操作是将LVM Thin转换为ext4分区并挂载在 /var/lib/vz 下(即默认镜像存储目录)。
Proxmox VE5 使用的是lvmthin这种方式来存放vm的磁盘镜像文件,据Proxmox的说明文档中所述,这种方式是block型的存储,速度会更快,而且是按实际使情况来分配空间,所以可以分配出看上去比实际要大的空间出来(存在一定风险),让终端用户看起来有很多空间,总之好处很多。 但对于单位内部来说,我觉得不必去节省这些存在风险的...
Hello Proxmox, I wanted to ask about a situation where my Proxmox host has all its drives fed into one TrueNAS Core machine, but the reporting on the drive...
The node is showing with 100gb of space and backups clog that quickly. The VM has 200gb allocated, more than the node. I note that the LVM is the 100gb and the LVM-Thin has 800gb. Numbers are rounded for ease, the drive is a 1tb. From research I can reallocate using the shell...
TASK ERROR: activating LV 'pve/data' failed: Check of pool pve/data failed (status:1). Manual repair required! 查看LVM-Thin发现lv卷疑似损坏 操作删除此lv卷失败,提示需要手动修复 度娘得知可执行下条命令尝试修复: /data 刷新Web界面,发现卷恢复正常,虚拟机启动正常,但是有模板克隆后虚拟机启动异常,疑似...
Proxmox VE 添加磁盘创建lvm-thin分区 …早起的虫子被鸟吃…雅蠛蝶… …初级水平拼招式,高级水平拼深度,资深水平拼招式+深度… …我无人有,我有人优,我优人精,我精人快,我快人新…紧跟节奏,Keep Learning…
Storage pool type:lvmthin LVM normally allocates blocks when you create a volume. LVM thin pools instead allocates blocks when they are written. This behaviour is called thin-provisioning, because volumes can be much larger than physically available space. ...
Proxmox VE is already the best choice forthousands of satisfied customerswhen it comes to choosing an alternative to VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V or Citrix XenServer. The following list will help you to compare Proxmox VE with alternatives in the server virtualization market: ...
Supports lvmthin, zfspool, nfs, dir and btrfs storage types. 2022-07-08 Changed openHAB LXC NEW Script 2022-07-03 Changed Tailscale NEW Script 2022-07-01 Changed Home Assistant OS VM Allow different storage types (lvmthin, nfs, dir). 2022-06-30 Changed Prometheus LXC NEW Script 2022...