The Proxmox VE installer creates additional storage entries depending on the storage type chosen at installation time. Default storage configuration (/etc/pve/storage.cfg) dir: local path /var/lib/vz content iso,vztmpl,backup # default image store on LVM based installation lvmthin: local-lvm ...
It depends a bit, most of the time you want to add the content type the script suggests (see below), but sometimes this could also be a hint that the same backing storage (e.g., the exact same directory, or the exact same NFS share) is configured more than once, which is generally...
SKIP: no hyper-converged ceph setup detected! = CHECKING CONFIGURED STORAGES = PASS: storage 'local' enabled and active. PASS: storage 'local-lvm' enabled and active. INFO: Checking storage content type configuration.. PASS: no storage content problems found PASS: no storage re-uses a directo...
Dependent itemproxmox.node.maxdisk[{#NODE.NAME},{#STORAGE.NAME}] Preprocessing JSON Path:The text is too long. Please see the template. Discard unchanged with heartbeat:10m Storage [{#NODE.NAME}/{#STORAGE.NAME}]: Content Allowed storage content types. ...
pvesm set <STORAGE_ID>--disable1Enable storage pools pvesm set <STORAGE_ID>--disable0Change/set storage options pvesm set <STORAGE_ID> <OPTIONS> pvesm set <STORAGE_ID>--shared1pvesm set local--formatqcow2 pvesm set <STORAGE_ID>--contentiso ...
The ceph.conf needs to have the same name as the storage. # /etc/pve/priv/ceph/<STORAGE_ID>.conf See the RBD configuration reference[2]for possible settings. Do not change these settings lightly. Proxmox VE is merging the <STORAGE_ID>.conf with the storage configuration. ...
file: FORMAT CHANGE: update import id, so it matches the resource's format: <node_name>/<datastore_id>:<content_type>/<file> (#543) (7ace07d) lxc: add support for keyctl and fuse features (#537) (8ce9006) provider: add optional SSH port param to node in provider ssh ...
I think proxmox try to mount it infinitely but can't so It is just not continuing to boot to the web UI, and now I just need to use my KVM to control the proxmox machine, later I'll try to change the fstab to remove the not mounting /dev/sda1 I just can...
It’s an easy but very powerful way to define filter rules by user, domains, time frame, content type and resulting action. Proxmox Mail Gateway offers a lot of powerful objects to configure your own custom system. WHO - objects Who is the sender or receiver of the email? WHAT - ...
Cloud-Init Script - you may also select one of your previously created in the addon scripts, it will be executed on VM creation or package change. Storage - the directory on which the CD-ROM ISO image is stored Template User - if enabled, the OS template first user will be used Wha...