Cloud Studio代码运行 root@proxmox231:~# pvecm create pve-cluster #接下来,通过ssh登陆其他2个pve节点,执行 pvecm add 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 root@proxmox233:~# pvecm add192.168.5.231successfully added node'proxmox233'to cluster.root@proxmox232:~#...
Failed to add first node to cluster Hello, I had a proxmox-ve 8.2 instance for some time, let's call it Alpha has been hardened (TFA+firewall) and has been running 10+ vm for some years now. I just built a second node, let's call it, runni...
successfully added node'proxmox2'to cluster.root@proxmox2:~# 查看状态 root@proxmox2:~# pvecm statusQuoruminformation---Date:TueMay2111:40:312019Quorumprovider:corosync_votequorumNodes:2NodeID:0x00000002RingID:1/28Quorate:YesVotequoruminformation---Expectedvotes:2Highestexpected:2Totalvotes:2Quorum:2...
check cluster join API version No cluster network links passed explicitly, fallback to local node IP '' Request addition of this node An error occured on the cluster node: can't add existing node 'pve' Cluster join aborted! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12...
$ sudo sacctmgr add cluster proxmox 如果这里很不幸 proxmox 加入到节点失败,可以检查一下节点直接是不是能互相 ping 通,最好在/etc/hosts/ 文件里定义好各自的 IP。 # /etc.hosts on both the manager node and compute nodes manager ...
Nodeid Votes Name 1 1 hp1 2 1 hp2 (local) 3 1 hp3 4 1 hp4 5.4.1 添加位于不同网段的节点 如果要添加一个节点,而该集群网络和该节点在不同网段,你需要使用 ringX_addr 参数来指定节点在集群网络内使用的地址。 pvecm add IP-ADDRESS-CLUSTER -ring0_addr IP-ADDRESS-RING0 ...
clusternodesuccessfullycreated 4、群集创建成功,查看群集运行状态: proxmox:~#pveca-l CID---IPADDRESS---ROLE-STATE---UPTIME---LOAD---MEM---DISK 1: 2: ++++++++++ 删除群集 1、删除节点 pveca-dID 2、停止服务master及各...
pvecm create cluster1 1. ssh登陆pve-2和pve-3使用命令pvecm add 加入集群cluster1: pvecm add192.168.1.51 1. 执行完成之后可以在3个节点上使用pvecm status 查看集群状态: root@pve-2:/etc/ceph# pvecm status Quorum information --- Date: Mon Sep2419:11...
Hy, I have a problem installing a new node. I added it to an existing cluster that works fine and sees. I then installed the ceph manually as I didn’t know...
希望的节点数量, two_node: 1表示,只有两个节点,还有一个wait_for_all: 0, NOTES: enabling two_node: 1 automatically enables wait_for_all. It is still possible to override wait_for_all by explicitly setting it to 0. If more than 2 nodes join the cluster, the two_node option is ...