Pronator syndrome (PS) is a compressive neuropathy of the median nerve in the proximal forearm, with symptoms that often overlap with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Because electrodiagnostic studies are often negative in PS, making the correct diagnosis can be challenging. All patients should be ...
Median Nerve in the Proximal Forearm Decompression By Washington University School of Medicine - Peripheral Nerve Surgery FEATURING Susan Mackinnon February 15, 2011 Comments 7 Login to view comments. Click here to Login Related Videos 19:34 Management of Median Nerve Compression: Carpal Tunnel ...
Diagnosis of proximal median nerve compression (PMNC) remains a clinical challenge. The authors hypothesized that measurement of the sensibility of the thenar eminence might identify PMNC by demonstrating abnormal function in the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve. This hypothesis was evaluated...
The age of the child population demonstrated an association with the degree of ulnar nerve instability. Children experiencing the age range below three presented with a reduced likelihood of ulnar nerve instability. There was a correlation between the age of children and the instability of their ulna...
In 746% of examined cases, no changes to the optic nerve's appearance were observed. The most common finding was focal or diffuse thinning of the neuroretinal rim (166%), and this was followed by the presence of disc asymmetry greater than 0.2mm in 86% of cases (p=0.0005). The AP ...
Post operative day 1, patient was found to have a median nerve palsy and normal distal pulsation (Fig 5) Patient was put on a shoulder immobiliser and early mobilisation was started after 2 wks with the consultation of the vascular surgeon. Pendulum exercises, forward flexion and abduction upto...
Response to “Direct Radial to Ulnar Nerve Transfer to Restore Intrinsic Muscle Function in Combined Proximal Median and Ulnar Nerve Injury: Case Report and Surgical Technique” doi:10.1016/j.jhsa.2014.10.067The Journal of Hand SurgeryDominic Power, MA, MBMohammad Nassimizadeh, BSDeepak Samson, ...
We present a case illustrating the benefit of utilizing both SSEP from peripheral median nerve (MN) and from brachial plexus lateral cord (LC) and upper trunk (UT) for conducting the surgery procedure. Neurosurgeons decided to do nerve transfer, distal spinal accessory nerve to suprascapular ...
Kara M, Yal¸cn S, Tiftik T, O¨z¸cakar L. Proximal median nerve entrapment caused by a distal biceps tendon cyst: an ultra- sonographic diagnosis. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2013;92: 942e3.Kara M, Yalc¸ in S, Tiftik T et al. Proximal median nerve entrapment caused by a ...
Diagnosis of proximal median nerve compression (PMNC) remains a clinical challenge. The authors hypothesized that measurement of the sensibility of the thenar eminence might identify PMNC by demonstrating abnormal function in the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve. This hypothesis was evaluated...