Proximal radius and ulna constitute are important parts of the elbow, including radial fracture, ulna coronoid fractures, olecranon fractures and a variety of complex fractures. 1. Radial fractures Radial head fracture is due to the radial head and capitellum collision. The vast majority are due t...
Proximal end of ulna.William L. ParsonsKristen M. Parsons
1) Ulna proximal end 尺骨近端 2) Ulna 尺骨 1. Ulnar Impingement Syndrome Secondary to Fractures of Distal End of Radius; 桡骨远端骨折治疗后腕部尺骨撞击综合征 2. Impact compressive experiment of human fresh ulnar compact; 人湿尺骨干在冲击压缩实验下的力学性能及规律 ...
(e-Wnt), and the Gli3 transcription factor is also present throughout the mesenchyme. 5′hoxgenes and thehand2gene become active in the posterior end of the bud (after e9), where they drive initial expression of theshhgene. (A2), Growth and establishment of the distal to proximal Fgf8 ...
Estimation of length of the ulna from the bony markers of the proximal end in South Indian populationSuja PrasannakumarG.K. SelvarajSuganthy RabiJ.Sunil HollaEuropean Journal of Anatomy