➡可以从政府官网在线申请(£34申请费): https://www.gov.uk/apply-first-provisional-driving-licence ➡也可以去邮局填表格申请(£43,且不收现金)。 大约等待一周就可以拿到你的实习驾照了,然后你可以拿着它当身份证用或者直接学车考驾照啦! 下面我来列一些申请临时驾照事的要求: 1.你必须符合UK resid...
网络申请临时驾驶执照;临时执照;临时驾照 网络释义
那么回到上图中的“provisional driving licence”,其意思也就是“临时驾照”或者说“实习驾照”。但“临时驾照”在我们国内没有,这又是个什么东西呢? 仔细看上面这张驾照样图,从 licence 的拼写,加上图中出现的 United Kingdom 和 Edinburgh (爱丁堡)字样,不难...
To apply for your provisional driving licence, either fill out a form from the Post Office or apply on the DVLA website. When submitting your provisional licence application, you’ll need to inform the DVLA of the following: All addresses you’ve lived at over the last three years A colo...
A. ADJ→ provisional, provisorio (LAm) B. N Provisional (Pol) (in Ireland)→ Provisional mf (miembro de la tendencia activista del IRA)the Provisionals = the Provisional IRA C. CPD provisional driving licence N (Brit)→ permiso m de conducción provisional (Sp), licencia f provisional (es...
Full Licence 1. Getting a Provisional Licence Before getting a licence, it is essential to know and understand the conditions that come with it. A provisional licence falls under the following conditions: You must at all times be supervised by a driving instructor or another driver over 21 year...
One Fifth Have Only a Provisional Licence as Solo Driving Ban NearsDaily Mail (London)
Driving Is a Privilege We Must All Earn; Travelling Companions: All Provisional Licence Holders Are Now Barred from Driving AloneIM ASTOUNDED that people in this country believe they have the right toget into a car and drive away in it (Letters). I, for one, am delighted that astand is ...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Get on the Road with Our FREE Driving Lesson Giveaway; for Provisional and Full Licence Holders" - Coventry Evening Telegraph (England), January 29, 2010Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)...