a汤姆打算把花瓶放在这张桌子上 但是莉莉不让他那么做 他要汤姆把花瓶给她 莉莉打算把它放在窗前 Tom planned but places the vase on this table Lily not to let he that do he to want Tom the vase for her Lily to plan places it in front of the window[translate] ...
aIndividual physical quality and some daily customs also cause the incisive condyloma important reason, for instance immunity function, energetic condition and sleep, whether smokes drinks and so on the factors, the immunity low individual incisive condyloma disease incidence rate and the recurrence rate...
provision for bad debts 【经】 坏帐准备 reserve for loss on doubtful accounts for bad debts 【经】 呆帐损失准备 be doubtful of v. 怀疑 with provision for 考虑到(with this provision 在这种条件下) doubtful prognosis 预后可疑,预后难定 position doubtful 疑位 相似...
of allowancefor doubtful debtspresented based on the date of delivery of goods which [...] westchinacement.com westchinacement.com 以下為已扣除呆賬撥備之應收賬款之賬齡分析,乃根據於收益獲確認 時之各自貨物交付日期呈列。 westchinacement.com ...
3) allowance for doubtful accounts 坏帐准备 1. The paper queries the prevalent elimination entry of "allowance for doubtful accounts" in the present consolidated financial statement. 对当前合并会计报表中流行的“坏帐准备”抵销分录以及企业集团内部一方的商品 (或产品 )出售给另一方作为固定资产的会计处理...
on debtors 3 Balance Sheet (extracts) as at 31 December £ 20X3 Debtors Less: Provision for doubtful debts 200 Provision for cash discounts on debtors 76 ___ £ £ 4,000 (276) ___ 3,724 20X4 Debtors Less: Provision for doubtful debts 350 Provision for cash discounts on debtors...
The policy for impairment lossesfor bad and doubtful debtsofthe Group is based on the evaluation of collectibility and [...] equitynet.com.hk equitynet.com.hk 本集團之呆壞賬減值虧損政策乃以按管理層之判斷作出的賬項可收回性評估及應收賬款賬齡分析 作為基礎。
In view of the structural risks inherent in the banks’ indebtedness portfolios, the banking corporations shall make supplementary provision, other than the provision for debts defined as doubtful, based on the quality of the indebtedness portfolio in each banking corporation, i.e., on a ...
Comments on bank accounting practices in Great Britain. Accounting requirements applicable to British banks; Maintenance of provisions for bad and doubtful debts; Key findings of a 1978 report entitled 'Banking Prudence: a Discussion Doc... M Lafferty - 《Accountancy》 被引量: 0发表: 1981年 Pro...
Past history of a business may show that a portion of receivable balances is not recovered due to unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, it may be prudent to create a general allowance for doubtful debts in addition to the specific allowance. The general allowance may be calculated on the basis of...