The Valuation of Deferred Taxation: Evidence from the UK Partial Provision Approach. :The UK provides a virtually unique environment in which to examine the information content of the partial provision approach to deferred tax accounting. I... Citron,B David - 《Journal of Business Finance & Acco...
The provision for tax is based on profits in entity’s income statement and reasons why it is a provision and not a liability Entity can have accounting policies and estimation process differ from taxation rules; also Financial year end date can be different from tax year end date, thus entit...
Noprovision for deferred taxationonrevaluation of investment properties in Hong Kong was made as the deferred taxation [...] 因香港之有關稅率為零,故本集團並無就香港 投資物業估價增值提撥遞延稅項準備。
Reserves are appropriations of profit namely when profits have been ascertained after deducting all expenses which includes provision and others. Reserves are residual earnings after all expenses and taxation which belongs to the owners namely the shareholders. There are essentially two(2) types of Rese...
1.This paper probes into the issues related to the business taxation from fourteen aspects such as the withdrawal base of the offset reserves, the commonweal remedies donation, and the residual proportion of fixed asset, etc.从坏账准备金的计提基数、公益救济性捐赠、固定资产残值比例等14个方面探讨了...
Record the estimated amount for the current period as an expense. This will appear on the company’s income statement. This amount is also added to the opening balance of the corresponding liability or contra-asset account. This will be reflected on the company’s balance sheet. ...
To meet anticipated losses and liabilities: Provision is created to meet the anticipated losses and liabilities such as provision for doubtful debts, provision for discount on debtors and provision for taxation. To meet known losses and liabilities: Provision is created to meet known losses and liabi...
旗渡双语法规: Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Issues Concerning Policies on Enterprise Income Tax in the Implementation of Enterprise Accounting Standards 财政部、国家税务总局关于执... 中英双语-财政部关于金融类国有和国有控股企业负责人薪酬管理有关问题的通...
Taking the total amount of deferred taxation to be equal to the partial balance sheet provision plus the potential portion appearing in the notes, this study tests the relationship between these various deferred tax components and market value. It also examines the economic rationale for the ...
above, all otherprovisionsfordeferredtaxationrequired in the statutory accounts will not be charged as expense of the Scheme Of Control to ensure no double chargingof taxtothe consumers. 除上文第(2)段許可的情況外,法定帳目內規定作遞延課稅的所有其他撥備,將不記入管制...